The idiots in California are about to be hit with a 50 cent per quart fuel tax in today’s version of Getting What You Vote For.
Remember that California voters gave the Democratic Party the upper hand over the past Golden State. Democrats control everything from the governor over. Democrats no only keep majorities in the state senate, they hold filibuster- proof majorities. In other words…
Republicans are useless in California. And so…
The average price for a gallon of gas in California now is$ 5.29, according to Triple-A. That’s nearly$ 1.70 more than the national average. In some parts of California, oil expenses$ 6.32 per gallon. That Democratic-run mess ‘ gallon of gas costs$ 5.02.
Then add 50 percent to those charges.
Tee hee.
Fox Business reports:
In September,  , the California , Air Resources Board ( CARB), the state’s primary environmental regulator, reported gas prices will rise next year by about 50 cents a gallon and every year thereafter to aid in clean air efforts. The state’s existing fuel duty is not included in the cost increase.
The document foresees oil price increases according to the , Low Carbon Fuel Standard reforms , that were created in 2007, possibly rising by 47 percent next year and 52 percent by 2026. This year’s gasoline prices may increase by 59 cent, and 66 percent in two years. Long- term projections suggest gasoline could surge by$ 1.15 and diesel by$ 1.50 per gallon from 2031 to 2046, with jet fuel increasing by$ 1.21.
In 2011, my wife and I left Los Angeles because the reading was everywhere. I was about to be taxed for using cheap food bags instead of those nasty reusable ones because Democrats were winning all the primaries. Accommodation costs were rising. My lovely wife and I relocated back to the South 12 years ago, but the rope was now tightening up. Child, are we glad we did. California’s reason for the grocery bag taxes, like this future oil revenue, is “protecting the atmosphere”, but that’s just an excuse to university authoritarianism.
Democrats in California have fought back against ordinary folks like myself, consolidating their position even more since 2011. There are fundamentally three classes of people in the most popular pieces of that state then: the rich, the poor, and improper creatures.
California’s population is also incredibly high, despite the high cost of living. However, Democrats have purposefully displaced a large portion of the middle school in the areas where the position elections are held by illegal aliens. Because of the Census ‘ use of illegal aliens, this 1 ) guarantees Democrats a permanent governing majority in the state ) and 2 ) ensures that they do not lose federal congressional seats or presidential election victories.
Our centralist system is wonderful, thank you. In France and Germany and Sweden, there’s no exit. You ca n’t flee a” California” in Europe. But here in the State, we can escape to saner meadows. After a generation or two, Democrats may eventually be able to defraud themselves enough to win the presidency to swarm fascists to the Supreme Court, killing all other states ‘ constitutional rights, including the First, Second, and Fifth Amendments.
In the meantime, we have Wyoming.
John Nolte’s first and last book, Borrowed Time,  , is winning five- sun shouts from regular users.  , You can read an excerpt , around and an in- level review , around.  , Even available in book and on Kindle and Audiobook.  ,