Francis Ford Coppola is professionally being destroyed by the despicable left-wing Guardian for corporate Hollywood, according to anonymous resources.
Coppola is 85 years older, has won many Awards, directed at least five pictures that will survive for as long as there is a culture, and also refuses to bow before The System.
In their forties, most people, yet insurgents like Coppola, later cave and sell out. They do n’t want to die without the warm glow of acceptance from the establishment. Coppola just is n’t built that way.
And so…
Coppola is looking for a home seller while one time away from the self-funded Megalopolis screening in Cannes. What better moment is there to employ a Chief murderer to serve as an example of a star who also rejects conformity, according to the Hollywood Collective?
Look at this private shit:
According to other options, its creation was almost as laborious and turbulent as that of Apocalypse Today.
It was like watching a train wreck happen day after day, week after week, and knowing that everyone involved tried their hardest to prevent it, as one staff member put it.
We are told that a second crew member recalls that “he would frequently show up in the mornings before these big sequences and because he would n’t allow his collaborators to put a plan in place.” He would frequently just sit in his trailer for hours on end, would n’t talk to anyone, was frequently smoking marijuana, and hours and hours would pass without anything being recorded.
Another team representative told the Guardian,” We were all conscious that we were participating in what might be a very unfortunate end to his profession.” However, some participants argued that he was” just so unfavorable toward a lot of the people who were attempting to help the process and make the film much.”
” His dig at us was always,’ I do n’t want to make a Marvel movie,'” said one source. ” But at the end of the day, that’s what he ended up shooting”.
Here is what Hollywood’s hoping will be the# MeToo kill shot:
Coppola may be “old class” in his behavior around people, according to several options. He supposedly pulled women to stay on his shoulder, for example. Coppola apparently attempted to love some of the naked and scantily clad adult extras while one hedonistic nightclub scene was being shot for the movie, according to witnesses. He allegedly stated that he was” trying to get them in the feelings.”
This is the amount that individualists must pay, perhaps at 85 only days after losing your spouse of 51 years.
This is the Hollywood left, using a star to deter others from doing the same, by daring to operate outside the program, for daring to dispute themselves farm living. We saw it occur to Mel Gibson in the operate- up to 2004’s The Love of the Christ, times before he imploded. All the sniping over his return from Montana, which is being depicted as him bigshotting everyone, is happening with Kevin Costner and his future Horizon movies.
Hollywood wants Megalopolis to fail to find a reseller, to fail to win Oscars, to fail at the box office, and to show anyone else what happens when you reject them.
What horrible persons are they, and you can see it in the devility of the garbage they’ve been producing for the past ten years.
Megalopolis and Horizon may odor, but at least these people tried, and that’s what makes them people.
As far as Coppola, he had to be expecting this nonsense. In fact, in one of his masterpieces,  , Tucker: The Man and His Dream , ( 1988 ), Coppola already told the story of what happened to him and what’s happening to him now. We do n’t have a comment from him, but his executive co- producer Darren Demetrehe is , denying this , drivel.
P. S. If every claim leveled here is accurate, Coppola did nothing wrong. Zero.
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