I may get forgiven, I hope, for raising an eyebrow at the curious schedule of a large-scale assault on the most famous and relied-upon online uploading services, Archive. .org, which records exactly who and when said what publicly.
Web archives can be used as a tool of journalism to quickly discover how current narratives or stories presented in commercial media, or somewhere, may conflict with traditional narratives. In other words, this is the ultimate check on historical revisionism of the kind that powerful actors often engage in.
Related:  , New Zealand Government Database Administrator Leaks COVID Shot Death Data
Via Brownstone Institute (emphasis added ):
The service Archive. Since 1994, the organization has stopped capturing images of content on all platforms. Since this service has chronicled the life of the Internet in real time, we have traveled a long stretch of time since October 8 to 10. For the first time in 30 years.  ,
As of this writing, we have no way to verify the content that has been posted for the three weeks leading up to the most contentious and consequential election of our lifetimes… Our current main information system’s entire memory is essentially just a huge black hole.  ,
The trouble on Archive. org began on October 8, 2024, when a massive Denial of Service ( DDOS ) attack that not only destroyed the service but also introduced a level of failure that nearly completely eliminated it…
In other words, the only website that can mirror content in real time has been eliminated from the World Wide Web. Researchers have lost the ability to compare the past with present content for the first time since the development of the web browser itself, a move that is a requirement for researchers studying both government and corporate actions…
What this means is that any website can post anything today and take it down tomorrow, with the exception of a user who happened to take a screenshot. Even then there is no way to verify its authenticity. The accepted method of knowing when and what said what is now gone. That is to say that the entire Internet is already being censored in real time, so anyone in the information sector can get away with anything and avoid being caught during these crucial weeks when large swaths of the public fully anticipate foul play.
It does n’t take much chin-scratching to understand why getting rid of the ability to see the past and compare it to present rhetoric on any given topic would be appealing to bad actors given that web archives are once again extremely powerful tools for catching governments, corporations, NGOs, and other powerful organizations with their pants down.
Let’s take a look at the redefining of “vaccine” that the CDC used during the pandemic to introduce the mRNA shots, which were not then and have never been true vaccines, just as one example from an enormous hat.
Via Miami Herald September 27, 2021 (emphasis added ):
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s definition of the terms “vaccine” and “vaccination” on its website has been changed, according to social media.  ,
Before , the change, the definition for “vaccination” read,” the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease”. Now, the word “immunity” has been switched to “protection” . ,
The term “vaccine” also got a makeover. The definition of the CDC changed from” a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a particular disease” to” a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”
Some people have questioned whether the unannounced changes were the CDC’s cover-up for the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are not 100 % effective at preventing coronavirus infection. In a well-known tweet, Kentucky’s Thomas Massie, the representative for the United States, said the CDC has “been busy at the Ministry of Truth.”
However, a CDC spokesperson told McClatchy News the” slight changes in wording over time … have n’t impacted the overall definition”.
Related:  , RFK Jr. Fears FDA’s grip in an epic Tweet
George Orwell, prophet, emphasized the massive power that the ability to re-write history confers on a ruling elite, unburdened by moral concerns, willing to use it to their advantage.
Via Literature Wise (emphasis added ):
The Seven Commandments, which were originally described as “unalterable laws,” are the fundamental principles of animalism and are written on the barn wall. They were intended to maintain the equality of the animals and ensure that all animals lived true to their own nature. Over time, the commandments begin to change, they have addendums unexplainably added to them. The animals question their own memories and question what the commandments say…
The Commandments are replaced by the pointless slogan:” Unalterable laws” and all pretence of “unalterable laws” is abandoned.
” All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”.