Tom Homan, the new frontier king, expressed his desire to stop” temples for criminals” from becoming” shrines for criminals.
” Well, a advice: If you are not going to help us, find the hell out of the way ‘ reason we’re gonna do it. In other words, we might need to send twice as many agents to New York City if we ca n’t get assistance there. We are going to complete the job”, Homan said. ” Shelter cities are temples for crooks”.
Homan made it clear that refugees are” God-fearing community people” and made a pledge to protect them from the Salvadorian group MS-13.
” Let us defend the expat community. Who is the target of MS-13 violence? The expat community”, Homan said. ” So, you know, if sanctuary cities do n’t want to help us, get out of the way because we’re coming”.
The original ICE director rose up the ranks to become the director after beginning as a low-level agent. Homan’s open aid of Trump while on the campaign trail, he claims, was “pissed off” by the Biden administration. Homan claimed that because he had not risen to the challenge of solving the border crisis, he knew he would have to accept or come off as “like a phony” when hired.
Vice President Kamala Harris faced criticism for her role as his borders king after President Joe Biden tapped her. Since the couple took office in 2021, over , 10 , million  , immigrants , have officially entered the country improperly, the most recorded in that amount of time of any administration.  ,
” I’m going to look like a genius because when you follow a failure, you ca n’t help but succeed, right”? Homan said.
Almost a third of voters, according to a document from Blueprint, favored the boundary as the primary issue in the Nov. 5 election. In the end, it was among the leading three factors why voters chose Trump over Harris nevertheless.