,” Donald Trump will be a dictator”!
So my relatives claim. I live in Manhattan. Feel for me.
Yes, Trump says outrageous things, like riffing about “terminating” sections of the U. S. Constitution.  ,
But I don’t believe he means it. You say a lot of exotic s—, Joe Rogan said to Trump when he appeared on his show!
In any case, blogger Michael Malice, in my new film, says no to care,” We have so much further to go before we’re lost as a state”.
Malice is aware of the harm that true rulers do. He’s spent day in North Korea, and he was born in the Soviet Union. He detests social “leaders”, saying the best social structure is libertarianism: self-government without a central authority, or, as the AI on my laptop defines it:” a self-managed, asynchronous society based on voluntary cooperation and mutual support”.
Malice and I issue that. I’m no libertarian. I’m a republican. I believe we should be allowed to act as we wish, so long as we don’t hurt people. I accept the need for minimal state, one that administers disputes, enforces waste control, and funds officers and a defense to keep us healthy.
Malice says it’s wrong to think that way, because all , central government is a concern.
” Security is like everything else”, he argues. ” If the government be producing publications?… No. Making helicopters?… No… a federal dominance makes no sense. But apparently when it comes to safety, you’re OK with this. Next you move to New York and start to wonder why things end up the way they are.
I don’t think surveillance is “like anything more” in any way. We often have various security forces fighting each other because of a federal monopoly on force, at least.
” How around pollutants”? I ask because I don’t understand how my favorite free industry will solve it. ” My smoke goes into other people’s breathing. Under chaos, there’s no proactive mechanism that may hinder me from letting that fumes travel”.
” That’s an aggression”, replies Malice. ” You are violating my room. That would be adjudicated under secret mediation, which would be faster and more efficient”.
Personal lawsuits and arbitration are successful? Certainly that I’ve seen.
People who breathes my fumes has a right to sue me.  ,
” Some John Stossels might be working on those polluting trucks, but they don’t care,” he said. The point is that people’s motivations and involvement in these other devices are much more important than they are to federal regulations, despite the fact that all the pressure on vehicles and other mechanisms.
He points out that waste is worst in states with large governments, “like China, where under socialism… you dump every bit of asset that you can…. people getting cancers, dying, you don’t worry. Under free markets, persons are more invested and have more of a place to say something, to clear up the environment”.
” But our air and water were disgusting before we had government’s waste laws”, I point out.
How were they cleaned up, exactly? Because you had businesses that said “pollution is negative,” these businesses took action to address it. State regulations came as a consequence”.
Malice calls anarchy “libertarianism with rules”. Additionally, he co-authored” The Anarchist Handbook,” which features essays by scholars who believe a society without government may function properly.  ,
I’m dubious.
I detest our large-scale, aggressive government, and how it controls nearly half of our lives. I detest politicians who behave as though they are pursuing our personal interests instead of thousands of free people. I detest the government’s continued intrusiveness and spending of more money ( both under the Democratic and Republican governments ).  ,
However, I believe we need some of it.  ,