For a complimentary culture, the right to free speech and expression are essential criteria. Without them, a despot can work his may unhindered, and in the modern vernacular, attribute any opposition to his actions or policies as “disinformation” or “hate speech”, and silence or even prosecute it correctly. How near to accomplishing that is the West? as close to the experience as your head.  ,
Over in Britain, authorities have just arrested a gentleman for burning the Qur’an. The Qur ‘an-burner was voicing his own outrage over the murderers of Salwan Momika, who was assassinated on Thursday in Sweden for burning the Qur’an. In Britain, as in Sweden, regulators weren’t involvement in the fact that so many followers in the Qur’an identify its lessons to support oppression, violence and hatred. They moved rapidly to stop the protest.  ,
The Manchester Qur’an burner was detained “on suspicion of a’racially aggravated people order offence,” according to a report from GB News on Saturday. That shows the deliberate ignorance and wrongheadedness of American officials throughout their whole approach to this sort of thing, as well as the official country’s refusal to face and deal with the reality of Islamic jihad violence. ” Racially aggravated”? Actually? What civilization are Muslims? What culture are islamists? Who of the people who think the Qur’an signals them to use violence against those who reject its teachings?
There are Muslims, and jihad extremists, of all tribes. The person who burned the Qur’an did not engage in any behavior that had any ties to prejudice or culture. However, he “remains in custody”, and the Greater Manchester Police’s Assistant Chief Constable, Stephanie Parker, was prepared with all the proper cultural blather:” We understand”, she declared,” the deep concern this may cause within some of our various communities and are aware of a life video circulating”.  ,
In full-on Please-Muslims-Don’t-Hurt-Us style, Chief Constable Parker continued:” We made a sharp imprisonment at the time and recognize the right people have for freedom of expression” — no, you don’t, really —” but when this crosses into coercion to cause harm or distress we may often seem to take action when it is reported to us”. Intimidation? To cause harm or distress? Really?  ,
If someone had been burning a Bible at Manchester’s Glade of Light Memorial, it is likely that any Christians passing by would not have felt the least bit intimidated, harmed or distressed. Additionally, it’s highly unlikely that Manchester police would have detained the Bible burner and that Chief Constable Parker would not have disclosed her concern for the matter at all.  ,
The difference is obvious. Christians are almost certain not to react in the same way to the burning of the Bible, but Muslims may riot or kill people because of it. The British authorities are bowing down to violent intimidation, which only serves to ensure that they will receive more of it.  ,
The collapse of the West’s desire to defend its own values and culture is one of the main lessons from the murder of Salwan Momika and the arrest of the Manchester Qur’an burner. Swedish government officials hounded, prosecuted, and tried to deport Momika, and the Manchester man was arrested, for the same reason: to keep the peace and prevent Muslims from turning to violence. Authorities in both countries don’t seem to understand or care when they have since made it clear to Muslims that they will not stand up for the freedom of expression, despite the fact that that may seem to be a reasonable position for governing authorities to take. That only implies that it will present more difficulties.  ,
 ,  ,  , Related:  , Just After a Man was Killed for Burning the Qur’an, Ilhan Omar Wants to Shelter Islam from Criticism ,
Both the British and Swedish governments have vehemently supported Islamic jihadis. The Swedish government issued a statement in July 2023 stating that the Swedish government fully recognizes that the Islamophobic acts committed by individuals at demonstrations in Sweden can offend Muslims. These actions, which in no way reflect the government of Sweden, are condemned with all due respect.  ,  ,
There is nothing to be said about the value of the right to free speech or the necessity of preventing violent rage from erupting in resentment against someone who doesn’t agree with your holy book. Instead, Swedish authorities opted to condemn” Islamophobic acts,” just as the British did by apprehending the Qur’an burner. If officials in both countries think that this supine stance of appeasement will solve their problems regarding Islam, jihad, and” Islamophobia”, they’re in for a long, long series of ugly surprises.