On Wednesday, during a House Oversight Committee meeting, a minor confrontation over Rep. Nancy Mace’s (R-S. C. ) use of what Democrats insist to be a slur against transgender-identifying people.  ,
Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va. ), the committee’s performance Democrat, demanded an investigation of decorum like a young child who is keen to criticize a peer for alleged wrongdoing. He whined,” The gentlelady has used a term that is regarded as a slur in the LGBTQ area and the transsexual society.”  ,
Mace wasn’t having it. With faith, she interrupted, exclaiming,” Tranny, blending, tranny! I don’t really treatment. You want genitalia in children’s rooms, and I’m not gonna possess it. No, thank you”.
This was more than just a quick retort; it was a strong, defiant declaration that she doesn’t leave a donkey behind if crystals on the left object to her use of the word” tranny,” which some mythical authority body has now declared is a slur.
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Connolly, for what it’s for, scarcely yet seemed genuinely offended as much as he appeared to be playing the role he’s supposed to as part of the party authority. ” To me, a insult is a slur”, he said as if he were reading from a textbook, not genuinely thinking,” and here in the council, a level of decorum requires us to try deliberately to avoid insults”.
I have a feeling that he doesn’t value this as much as Democrats believe he may become, at 74.  ,
Connelly continued,” You simply heard the gentlelady actually constantly, vigorously repeat it, and I would just ask the president that we be counseled that we shouldn’t be engaged — we can have argument and policy dialogue without offending people who are fellow people.” In response, I’d like to know whether the use of that term constitutes a parliamentary investigation into whether or not it actually violates the etiquette rules.
In all seriousness, what isn’t a insult to the Democrats these times? Let’s be honest: this wasn’t really about maintaining etiquette, this was really about dismissing Mace, who has become one of the leading advocates for children’s privacy and dignity in Congress. Her simple, defiant position cuts through the sound of the left’s immoral rhetoric on gender.
When once, Mace let Connolly had it.  ,
” Mr. Chairman, I’m not going to be counseled by a person over men and women’s spaces or people who have mental health issues dressing as people”.
‘ Tranny, Tranny, Tranny!’ @GerryConnolly and @NancyMace Nukes during the @HouseOversight hear. photograph. twitter.com/oz5PU55Zms— Matt Margolis ( @mattmargolis ) February 5, 2025
The trans cult’s crystals on the left must be dealt with in this way. There are still many people who are bullied into submission despite Mace’s defiant stance on like a controversial subject. One such instance is Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass. ), who said last time,” I have two little women. I don’t want them to run over by a female athlete or a former man swimmer, and he also voted against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act to defend his political career last quarter.
Instead of stumbling in the face of condemnation, Mace remains strong, refusing to let those who use childish methods silence or drunk her.