Mark Halperin, a former hack of MSNBC, ABC News, and Bloomberg, is attempting to live in separate media, which is likely not going to go well for him professionally.
He recently hosted Dr. Glenn Burnett to talk about the emotional issues facing the TDS legions in the midst of the start of America’s Golden Age.
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Via Mediaite (emphasis added ):
After President Donald Trump took office for a second day last month, a physician in Wyoming informed Mark Halperin on Thursday night that many of his inventions are in trouble.
Glenn Burnett, an inner medicine doctor, joined Halperin on 2WAY Tonight to compare the emotional health of patients treated for Trump in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and his own.
Before Halperin noted that he was concerned that a Trump victory might induce incalculable citizens to be “deeply disturbed,” Burnett explained that his people come from” all walks of life.”
The dentist complained that elections are held just before the holidays every four years and claimed that he had seen a lot of people who had isolated their loved ones since the election*.
* I have gone through this happening in my private life. A family member in the most cruel words accused me of being liable for Hillary Clinton’s historic-glass-shattering anointment in 2016, around Christmastime, as if that was what swayed the election because I listened to the wrong media and I had posted real and disconcerting clips of things Clinton has done and said over the years on my personal Twitter account, as if that was what swayed the vote.
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It’s neurotic to cut off and attack family members for their political beliefs, and liberals almost always do it for their liberal or also, in my case, non-conforming family.
More from the dentist:
I’ve only been constantly being bombarded with all sorts of things, which is what has happened. I may say, to be honest, to set it up, when Biden was the leader, I had all kinds of things from the other part. But it has been really intense. The election’s final week or two was a very intense one. It therefore calmed down, and now it’s actually back up.
We are dealing with depression, worry, all kinds of health problems that are related to that, like sleep, stomach problems, chest stress. And finally people are — there’s some real concern, stress. I hear stuff from people all the time that I really — I don’t want to duplicate because they’re — people, I don’t think would believe me. That individuals have these extremely, extremely serious emotions about what will occur to them. And it is having an impact on their lives…
I was a doctor during 9/11 and it was like this next... people are having real problems.
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