According to the Guardian, two caregivers from a Sydney clinics have been fired after a video emerged in which they were seen making threats against Jewish patients.
Democratic leaders criticized the film, which sparked inquiries from both NSW Health and authorities.
The original picture, which was shared by Israeli information father Max Veifer, features two people talking online while wearing NSW Health uniforms. During the discussion, one of them, a person claiming to be a physician, tells Veifer,” I’m going to be truly sincere with you… I’m but upset you’re Jewish. Eventually you’re going to get killed and go to Jahannam]hell ]”.
Veifer next inquires what they would do if a doctor patient from Israel showed up. A person in the movie responds,” I didn’t handle them, I may kill them”. The man adds,” You have no idea how many]Israelis ] came to this hospital, and I sent them to Jahannam. I absolutely sent them to Jahannam”.
The movie has drawn reaction, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calling it” horrible and shameful”. NSW Health Minister Ryan Park condemned the actions as “vile, ugly, and appalling”, and confirmed that the people had been identified as midwives from Bankstown Hospital. ” They have been stood down immediately”, he said.
Park made certain that such views were not permitted in the medical system. ” The fact that they chose to do this in dress, while they should have been caring for patients, is greatly concerning”, he said. ” I don’t want to keep a glimmer of light for anyone to believe they’ll ever work for NSW Health again,” he said.
NSW health secretary Susan Pearce, clearly personal during a press conference, apologised to the Jewish community. Not in her wildest dreams did she imagine that I would be addressing our staff’s horrifying behavior.
Park assured the general public that individual safety is still top of mind. Every hospital citizen in this state should feel secure and assured that their attention will be of the highest caliber, he said.
The movie was described as” as cold as it is horrible,” according to home affairs secretary Tony Burke and provincial health minister Mark Butler in a joint statement. Opposition figures even made criticism of the event, with James Paterson and Anne Ruston, the shadow home affairs minister, calling it “utterly terrible and deeply disturbing.”
Park claimed that there is no proof that any Israeli people have suffered harm. He did, however, confirm that a thorough investigation would be conducted to make sure no adverse effects were caused by the individuals ‘ actions.
NSW authorities and the NSW Healthcare Complaints Commission are currently looking into the affair. Hospital staff members have been interviewed, and the location of the picture has been determined through CCTV images.