Now-confirmed FBI Director Kash Patel jokes that he should shut down the absolutely disgusting existing J. Edgar Hoover FBI tower on the first day he enters the business and open it up as the “museum of the heavy state” the following day. The thing is, we have concerns about the “new” office area.  ,
The absurdity of the “museum of the heavy state” makes us laugh all the way home. But we , revel in the fact that the previous legislative analyst, former federal prosecutor, past Department of Defense chief of staff, former Deputy Assistant to the President for the National Security Council, and former federal public defender is now in charge of the men, women, professionals, suit, and criminals who tried to frame Donald Trump at the FBI. Oh, do we ever. In that gallery, Ash Patel and Devin Nunes collected many scalps that were appropriate for frame. Patel’s research caught them red-handed.  ,
Think about it: the person responsible for the Russian collaboration fraud involving President Trump 45 is now the FBI director for Trump 47. Sit up, take a breath, and like the irony.  ,
The American-born son of immigrants who came to find the “dream” nabbed the individuals trying to steal the wish from people.
And now he’s our cherry.  ,
Look up “poetic fairness” in some online vocabulary, and Kash’s image is it.
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There’s no underground about why the FBI 7th-floor waves wanted a new building. Look at that thugly factor that for centuries has been the mansion of FBI kings, queens, princes, and jokers.
One of the most ugly structures in DC is the J. Edgar Hoover tower.
They ran out of money and just installed the stone covering on one tiny section of the minimalist material monster.
Outside, it’s even worse.
The new FBI HQ has ballooned to$ 4.5B est.
Bet you a Depends they stay put. photograph.
— Adam Rossi ( @rossiadam ) December 17, 2024
However, the fact that the new deputy is in town is ugly and impersonal, and the idea that the plans for the new” campus” could have even bigger problems. However, what gives with the proposed FBI office in Greenbelt, Md. ?
A woman on the radio recently questioned the justification of constructing the fresh FBI headquarters in Prince George’s County. Why would we construct America’s leading law enforcement offices in a location that violates the law by designating itself as a sanctuary area? Great problem. My next question is, why did Trump 45 green-light this job for Chris Wray? That’s a subject for another day, but it’s a great topic. I’ll bet you he wants a do-over on that one. Gladly, Trump 47 and Patel have an option to do just that.  ,
The General Service Administration has taken place on the new FBI tower and that means that DEI, clean weather catastrophe ridiculousness, and the campus-like atmosphere are major considerations, no true crime fighting. Naturally.  ,
Greenbelt, however, is in Prince George’s County, which is a declared shelter for illegal creatures. The state has straight-up said it will never work with national officials to jail, question, prison, or deport illegal aliens. They are some of the similar improper legal creatures that our federal agents are right now trying to arrest and bring back to where they came from.  ,
As a reminder, MS 13, then a declared criminal business, is an ingrained gang in Maryland. However, it is centered in Prince George’s and Montgomery districts, with Anne Arundel bringing up the rear. The” cliques”, as they call themselves,” committed murders, attempted murders, stabbings, extortion and witness tampering”, in Greenbelt, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.  ,
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Is this enormous region of a headquarters actually necessary, given that Patel has discussed changing FBI actions to the 50 states? Additionally, there is a ton of unoccupied office space in D.C., especially given that the government are cutting back on employee turnover and that few of the agency’s employees are returning to work.  ,
Why encourage those who oppose the government’s cooperation? Offer them their desire. Go somewhere else.  ,
Patel may throw pause on the passions of men and women who have an edifice complex until he decides his top priorities and gives the American people updates on them. This may be a permanent pause.  ,
And I didn’t procrastinate.  ,
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