Often, as I start my evenings, I have something on in the background. Generally is it Glenn Beck. Although I don’t really like Beck, silence makes me nervous because it reminds me of dying air after working in radio for nearly 30 years.  ,
Beck has been a long time user of AI. While it helps Expand reveal state misuse and makes fascinating pictures, there is, of course, a downside — a large one. I’m not talking about something on the amount of Skynet, Colossus: The Forbin Project, or the Demon Seed (younger visitors will have to appear those up ), although we could end up in one of those cases tomorrow. AI has a reputation for being so prevalent that we don’t even see its existence.
No secret that the divine algorithms have been at work shaping our buying decisions, viewing patterns, and political sights, but who is accountable when an engine plays a role in suicide? Chase Nasca committed suicide in 2022 by stepping in front of a station close to his Bayport, New York, house. Chase’s relatives say that TikTok’s algorithms targeted the 16-year-old’s accounts with thousands of images involving death.  ,
The New York Post reports that in 2023, Chase’s families filed match against the software. The firm requested in December that the lawsuit be dismissed, citing the First Amendment and the fact that it is not content to product liability laws because it does not offer a “tangible product.” This month, the Nascas made a motion to halt the activity.
According to The Nascas, Chase’s consideration was flooded with glad encouraging viewers to commit suicide by standing in front of a coach. Chase lived within a quarter-mile of the Long Island Rail Road lines. According to the Nascas, TikTok allegedly based the movies Chase was directed at on the proximity of the home to the rail. According to the parents, Chase first began using the system to see “uplifting and motivating videos.”  ,
The registration state,” TikTok used Chase’s geolocating data to send him … railroad-themed death video both before and after his death”. The filing further claims that TikTok “used engagement through a progression of intense videos to exploit his undeveloped neurology and psychological insecurities” The action claims that Chase’s passing was not a fluke and attributes the horror to “intentional design decisions.” Additionally, it mentions that TikTok has previously acknowledged using location data to send customers information. The system had a duty to protect the girl from “foreseeable injuries,” according to the action.
Of course, people will state,” Where were the parents? Why weren’t they monitoring Chase’s online action”? I understand the attitude, but this isn’t the 1980s. The old-school familial prevents don’t cut it again, especially with a generation of people when tech-savvy as Chase’s. And it’s not as straightforward as preventing people from using an accounts. TikTok plainly views its customers as such, despite its claim that it does not offer a “tangible project.” It may not have intended for Chase to cross the line into a coach, but it was uninterested.  ,
The engine that caused Chase to commit suicide and even allegedly suggested a location that resembled the algorithms that are likely to be influencing our lives faster than we would like to believe. In his 1950 release,” I, Robot”, Isaac Asimov created the Three Laws of Robotics:
- A machine does not destroy a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
- A robot may follow humanly-given instructions, unless they fight with the First Law.
- A robot may safeguard its own life as long as it doesn’t conflict with the First or Second Law.
Although the laws are hypothetical, it would be wise to take note that, as far as we are aware, there isn’t anything quite like it for AI, so it’s about time for some sort of code of ethics. What about the people who created it, away from lost work, protection, and an increasing amount of free agency, if we have nothing to worry from a useful AI system? And what will we be afraid of when it begins to system?