I’ve made it all too late to make friends with those who don’t know whether or not they are Socialists or who are very open to sharing their political beliefs.
As a 36-year former of stand-up humor, I watched helplessly as the so-called liberals gelded my business. Performers who once prided themselves on “walking” audience members —not with bad language but with ideas—bent their knees to the woke gods and swore allegiance to the Marxists who took command of television, movie, and a ton of funny locations. For what? so they could avoid actual jobs and get paid to joke about whatever their new masters permitted.
FACT-O-RAMA!  , There are  , 45 aims of socialism for America , that were entered into the Congressional Record in 1963. Goal# 21. Get control of crucial roles in television, TV, and motion pictures.
My friend and fellow soldier artist, John Mulrooney, posted this article from a sail deliver company regarding comedy material:
We want to take a moment to tell you of our recommendations for the information of comedic shows. Social and racial commentary should not be used in funny displays. While we respect everyone’s right to their thoughts and viewpoints, the humorous materials should concentrate on making our visitors enjoy the experience. Everyone has their own fashion, we understand, but it’s important that all acts in accordance with our values and standards, which are set out in the welcome message and annual contract.
Their values and standards?
Below is my sister’s answer:
For cartoons outside, passed on and still with us, I would like to suggest F*CK YOU!!! We still live in America and your corporate policies do not Trump ( pun intended ) Our Constitution! This is what you get when D. E. I. stupid, who have to sign their names with their nouns, text skills. I appoint that none of you be compy!
But as you are about to discover, some will often agree.
Performers travel on cruise ships to make money and have their occupations end in the dead. The chances are that a comedian is making a living in funny but isn’t growing money. Unless he is a “draw.” Cruise ships pay well, but only after the artist has been socially fixed or neutered—and I don’t really think on stage.
Cruise ships demanded that their comedians wear their sleeve for a COVID “vaccine” that wasn’t just ineffective against the wicket stew flu but could have caused them to become ill in ways they aren’t already aware.  ,
A actor could be fired for a problem from a mentally ill prig ( hoping for a free boat ) in a joke about Biden. Stand-up humor, previously considered the ultimate free-speech network, was on lifestyle support. And if you were a artist operating cruise ships, you had the option to be true to yourself or get a sizable give split and hit the road once more.
SHAMELESS PLUG-O-RAMA! I lost a ton of funny work because I opposed what I saw as communism regaining control of our country. I’ve made it all up, and more, by writing for PJ Media and with my television plan,” The Kevin Downey, Jr. Show”, which you should talk to every Mon-Fri, 9-11 a. m. EST at LINEWSRADIO.  ,
When Trump clown-slapped Kamala on Election Day, cruise ships offered free” treatment” to weaklings who couldn’t deal with the transfer of common sense, free speech, and the ability of hospitals to reduce the french and seeds off of young kids.
A comedian I’ve known for a long time recently shared the following on Facebook. I’m sure he thinks he is still a defiant, counter-culture comic, as most comedians do. You tell me if this is “brave”:
When my Uber arrives to take me to the airport, and it’s a Tesla, I hit” Cancel ride”, give him the SwastiKAR salute, and gladly pay the cancellation fee.
The attention-hungry narcissist donned a photo of him flashing a thumbs up in an avatar.
Soft-bellied mollycoddles called him a hero. Non-commie comedians like myself jumped on the apparatchik’s throat. I wrote:
Mitsubishi made Japanese fighters. The Japanese murdered and raped throughout Asia. TAKE A STAND! Send away the Mitsubishis as well! Where was your stand against REAL anti-Semitism on college campuses? SHOW US HOW MUCH YOU HATE NAZIS!!! !
You can see why I have such low popularity with pinko comedians. And I get it because I can’t be friends with anyone who wants to cut the twigs and berries off of 14-year-old boys.  ,
Life is short, and frail sumphs who take pride in their inability to consider their own opinions blindly conform to the Marxist dogma that claims men are women if they choose to do so are too” tolerating” life. These wicked people will vote away both their and our constitutional rights simply because their political superiors claim that doing so will improve them in comparison to what you and I have to offer.
You will understand when I say I cannot “accept” or” tolerate” communists any more than Nazis, pedophiles, or gluten-free pizzas.  ,
And that is what has been stoking my clams this week!