The most recent Religion Landscape Survey from Pew Research was released, in case you haven’t noticed as of yet. PJ Media’s Rick Moran covered it in a recent article, in which he wrote,” the last four years have seen the number of Christians hold steady, hovering between 60 % and 64 %”.
In some ways, it looks like a mountain, while in other ways, it looks like Christianity is making a return of combinations. In the most recent season of” Faith All Over the Place,” my friend and colleague Stephen Kruiser and I argue that we don’t call it a return because we Christians have been here for a long time.
( While we’re quoting LL Cool J, let me say,” I gotta thank God / ‘ Cause he gave me the strength to rock hard”. I’m sure Kruiser would agree. )
Recently on , Faith All Over the Place, Episode 4: We’re Simply Happy We Don’t Had Diabetes
Kruiser and I also discussed the causes of the “on the fall” in faith ( even though we continue to refute advertising claims that faithful Christians have declined ). I discussed the not-so-surprising gap between the proportion of conservatives who identify as Christians and those who identify as such, and whether there is a” nervous liberal Christian” electorate that won’t speak up to experts.
We had a fascinating conversation about areas of the world where Christianity thrives despite suffering and challenging circumstances, which demonstrated that Christianity thrives in suffering. Even going catholic, we were teased by anything I’m considering writing later this week about why some devoted Jews don’t help Israel.  ,
We also discussed Lent, which I think is the topic of next year’s event. We’ll expose what we’re doing for the period — that’s right, perhaps I’m taking component this year! We ended the episode with a discussion of Pope Francis, which we’ll bring up in a later episode, and made up some speculative points about catholic succession if the pontiff does go away.  ,
As always, you can hear to” Faith All Over the Place” on our Radio section, on Apple, or on Spotify. Or you can hear these:  ,
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Here’s an example of the entertaining our VIPs have. On the final episode of the show, one of our Guests said,” I don’t know, the people in those diabetes drug advertisements all seem happier than I am, dancing and singing about their A1C and all.” Plus, they are constantly doing something really fun”.
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