the smallest of Tucson’s Prop’s five types. If voters approve a 10-year increase in the state’s sales tax rate, 414 — Technology Investments only has three things it may give for: upgrading the air support system, expanding the body-worm lens system, and investing in technology for its communications department.
It accounts for about 12 % of the$ 800 million Prop’s spending. If capital voters decide to increase Tucson’s present 8.7 % sales tax by a half-cent for the upcoming tenet, 414 is anticipated to rise.
The police department’s air support system, which is currently made up of three helicopters, is the striking product in the engineering investments group, which would receive about$ 10 million in funding.
TPD claims that it will employ Prop. 414 provides the resources to remove one of its aircraft with a new concept and another with a helicopter. Additionally, it may cover the cost of the remaining helicopter’s components, including an motor and blades.
It’s a significant hanging level for the No Prop. Tucson Coalition 414 The air support investment is referred to as a “dangerous waste” of taxpayer money because it could be used to” surveil” protest and help ICE “identify and apprehend workers or event our immigrant relatives”
Chad Kasmar, the police chief, rebuffed says that money would be used to herald in a” security state.”
To be clear, he said,” Our ministry has historically had three plane, and at one point, there were four– three planes and a plane,” and that was done using federal Operation Stonegarden funds. In the end, the federal government received the plane’s needs because they were in conflict with area and community expectations.
The TPD heat unit’s investment is necessary because its aircraft are 15 to 20 years older and parts for replacing their “aging tools” are becoming scarce, according to Kasmar.
I’m no requesting a$ 16 million plane. According to Kasmar, I’m asking for$ 16 million over a 10-year time to change two aging planes with new planes and planes, and then spend about$ 500,000 annually on “required energy fees” and replacing components when necessary.
He claimed that police aircraft and fixed-winged aircrafts perform very unique functions in law enforcement.
When someone is fleeing from us, they hear the plane, and we use our techniques to try to get them, Kasmar said.” The aircraft is made for you to learn it.” A planes can fly wherever from 5, 000 to 10, 000 legs, and it uses technology to lock in on a car or lock-in on a person until they land at a place where we can detain them, perform a confinement, or execute a search warrant.
Authorities in Tucson counting on Prop. 414 for a new plane or aircraft
Prop. A new aircraft, a helicopter, and parts for a second helicopter could be purchased by 414 for the Tucson Police Department. Three aging planes are already in use by the ministry.
He claimed that officers endeavors on public spaces are safer when using plane.
Additionally, the department’s body-worm camera program management and control costs approximately$ 4 million annually under the tech purchase group.
Body cameras improve accountability “externally and internally,” according to Darrell Hussman, chairman of the Tucson Police Officers Association and union.
Body cams a great aid to us in getting that clarity, but they also aid in getting a better understanding of the situation. It’s simple to consider one way or the other if the neighborhood only gets the bullet items from an event, Hussman said. However, body cam actually gives the user the opportunity to see the entire picture, both good and bad, and provide a clear picture of what’s happening.
Body-camera film has been useful in exposing instances of misconduct and abuse by police, according to No Prop representative April Putney. Tucson Coalition 414 However, Putney expressed concern about how surveillance cameras are combined with different systems.
” There is a question as to whether or not the overall effect is positive, especially given that there are times when more technology is being used, with the potential for AI facial recognition and other systems that can be combined with body-worn lens footage,” she said. Body cameras are frequently discussed in terms of legislation accountability, but they also serve as tools for the police to “use their “sea security tool buckle” to target specific individuals in the community.
Another$ 4 million would be used to fund technological improvements for the city’s Public Safety Communications Department. According to the town, technology is currently neither financially stable nor feasible to upgrade or change. It would be used for portable stereo systems and computer-aided transport.
The Arizona Daily Star, 2025
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