Our church’s people’s government recently introduced a new program where people could sign up for groups organized by their ages to meet once a week. I met a group of people for breakfast a few Saturdays before. I’ve known each of them for a while, and we are all in our 50s.
We simply hung out together for about an hour and a half and prayed for each other for the rest of the morning because there wasn’t a busy schedule for the meal. The group’s goal was for men to form godly female friends.
Friends are lacking in today’s society, particularly among men. The Great Art of Friendship, a song by King’s X that honors buddies who “taught me right and wrong and black and white,” comes to mind frequently. It doesn’t hurt to increase my group because I have buddies like that I may call on in both good and bad times.
Paul Bankson at Tabletalk writes,” We have lost the present and glory of friendship.” ” This is caused by a number of factors. We’ve exchanged texting for talking. Twitter has replaced brotherhood with it. In fact, social media has changed from being everything but…” Men, in particular, seem to have lost the gift of friendship.”
We can know a lot from the Bible about connection. No matter how the universe attempts to twist the story, David and Jonathan’s companionship was an impenetrable bond. Ruth’s devoted service to her mother-in-law Naomi included her in the history of David and Jesus. Jesus ‘ close ties to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus endured both good and bad times.
This One’s for the Guys is a topic covered in Sunday Thoughts.
In John 15: 13-15, Jesus says,” Greater like has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends,” and that is what Jesus says about connection to His disciples resonates with us. If you follow my orders, you’re my friend. I’ve changed the name to “friends,” because I’ve heard everything from my Father, and I’ve made known to you. No longer do I contact you servants, because the maid does not understand what his master is doing.
Bankson states:
To better understand what it means to be in fellowship with Him, Jesus says we are His companions. He tells us the kingdom’s true story. To be a buddy of Jesus is to be accepted into the triune Godhead’s eternal union of passion. In the end, we are connected because Jesus, our King, gave his life for His companions. On the next morning, He was raised again in the place of His folks on the cross.
The book of Proverbs contains some of the best friendship-related passages. A gentleman of some colleagues may come to ruin, but there is a companion who sticks closer than a nephew, says Proverbs 18: 24. Even though I cherish my home, there have been occasions when turning to my friends helped me in times of crises.
According to Proverbs 27: 17,” Iron sharpens metal, and one person sharpens another.” I didn’t tell you how many times my friends have influenced me in terms of spirituality, mood, mentality, and yet physicality. Proverbs 17: 17 is full of profound truths about my dear friends and family:” A nephew is born for hardship, and a friend loves at all times.”
According to Proverbs 27 :6,” Faithful are the wounds of a companion, mild are the lips of an foe.” The wise things that buddies tell us that may initially hurt our feelings are preferable to an enemy’s praise. Proverbs 27: 9 states,” Oil and perfume make the heart happy, and the beauty of a companion comes from his sincere lawyers,” only three lines afterwards. Friends ‘ generosity often makes the heart happy.
The wise person who walks with the intelligent will become smart, according to Proverbs 13: 20; however, a fool’s companion will suffer harm. It took me to long to develop a preference for the smart friends over the terrible ones.
Is there any pleasure on earth as great as a group of Christian buddies caught in a blaze, asks Bankson? Perhaps not, but I’ll also invite a group of Christian pals over sheets of biscuits and gravy.