The second defendants in the 2019 Immigrant Tenant Protection Act were Marco Antonio Contreras and his family Denise Contreras. The law forbids landlords from expelling tenants only because of their immigration position or by making threats to record them in order to intimidate or fight against them.
The residents ‘ attorneys, the Hispanic American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, filed the event.
Regardless of their actual or perceived immigration rank, everyone has right under the rule of law. According to Susana Sandoval Vargas, local counsel for MALDEF Midwest, landlords are prohibited from using the threat of immigration protection against their residents in Illinois. This decision demonstrates that those who choose to reject these safeguards may suffer severe consequences. All Illinois residents who, like our customers, merely want a secure place to call home will take home an important victory.
In a speech, the pair praised the decision.
The pair said in the statement,” We decided not to be silent because our landowners threatened us with calling emigration, and we do not think that anyone has a right to threaten us.” No one should act or experience more superior to another. Appreciation is due to the fact that we are all equal. Just because someone is your employer does not imply that they can subvert your wishes.
California signed an immigration client legislation in 2017 after Illinois became the second state to do so in 2019.
Although this event was the first to come to a decision, another client filed a complaint under the renter law in September 2021, but the situation is still pending deliberations.
The residents in the Contreras couple’s case filed the lawsuit after the tenants threatened to report them to ICE if they didn’t give the desired rent on time.
Vargas told the Chicago Tribune that she hasn’t noticed a rise in circumstances, but that she thinks the majority of people aren’t aware of the law.
The Immigrant Tenant Protection Act is one of many rules being used by Chicago and another Democratic-controlled cities to safeguard illegal immigrants. These policies have drawn mixed reviews from Republicans. On Wednesday, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson testified in front of the House Oversight Committee to support the city’s shelter status.