Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me tw…HEY!…NACHOS!
The United States of America don’t have a very strong “united” vibe these days, do they? True, it hasn’t been much of an arm-linking Kumbaya-fest for a long time, but it’s really testy now. The division is particularly acute in the digital universe that so many of us occupy. If one were to spend one’s days mostly online, one would think that this powder keg was going to blow up before the weekend.
The thing is — and we all know this — that the world outside the front door can be considerably more chill than the cage match atmosphere online.
This acrimony is all on the Democrats. We’re all in a good mood over on this side now, aren’t we? They’re quite miserable over there, and they have been for a long time. I wrote on several occasions during the last four years that the Democrats were miserable human beings even when they were winning. Perhaps that has something to do with the horrible human beings who have long been front and center for the Democratic Party.
The dregs of humanity populate the upper tiers of the Democratic Party and its propaganda wing in the mainstream media. Mother Teresa would have struggled to like the bitter, confrontational idiots in the Dem upper echelon.
There are good people on the Left. I know a lot of them. Heck, I’m related to some of them. We all get along spectacularly. I remain mystified as to why people like that can’t migrate upwards in the Democratic Party or into the media. For the betterment of the nation, I wish some of them would.
In addition to the inexcusable behavior of the Dems who attended President Trump’s speech on Tuesday night, the Dems are making news with sanctuary city mayors who are proud to be harboring criminals and Gov. Janet Mills of Maine, who has decided to make protecting trans boys in girls sports the centerpiece of her attention whore moment.
One plausible explanation for how these people keep polluting the top of the party is that there haven’t been any consequences for being awful before now. The Trump 47 administration will not be indulging the anti-American progressive behavior of these idiots. Sarah wrote about border czar Tom Homan’s latest dose of reality for the sanctuary crowd. Over at Townhall, my colleague Rebecca Downs has the story of the Trump administration suing the state of Maine over Gov. Mills’ antics.
If enough of these people keep getting the wrong kind of publicity, perhaps some of the more decent Democratic voters will start making better choices. Perhaps.
Of course, many of the good Democrats did speak up in a very specific way last November — they voted for Donald Trump. There could be a lot more of that if the Democrats insist on constantly parading their commie freak show in front of the cameras.
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Everything Isn’t Awful
Yeah, they’re cute, but my grandfather had a couple of these when I was a kid and they were mean little critters.
Bedtime Race 🐎💚
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