The most useless former president in history really can’t stop embarrassing himself.  ,
We haven’t heard much from Joe Biden since leaving business, but his social media operators thought it would be a brilliant idea to post a sweet International Women’s Day information on Saturday, apparently hoping somebody would forget how he single-handedly sought to destroy children’s sports during his fatal president.
” Like so many of you, I’m celebrating the amazing people in my life today”, Biden’s operators wrote, apparently while he was enjoying his evening ice cream cone. ” International Women’s Day is a time to recognize the efforts of women and girls outside and devote our efforts to advance respect, opportunity, and justice for all”.
The article concluded by saying,” When women and girls succeed, societies, economies, and governments succeed”.
Like so many of you, I’m celebrating the amazing people in my life now. International Women’s Day is a time to recognize the efforts of women and girls outside and devote our efforts to advance respect, opportunity, and justice for all. When women and girls…
— Joe Biden ( @JoeBiden ) March 8, 2025
The amazing dishonesty of this statement would be ridiculous if it weren’t so disrespectful to every female sprinter who lost bursaries, medals, and opportunities thanks to Biden’s radical transgender plan, or was injured while competing against a man. This is the same person who signed an executive order forcing people to compete against biological men in activities and tried to totally rewrite Title IX to support his woke philosophy.
The Democratic Party has no right to claim they support women. Remember when Biden’s administration threatened to punish states that dared to protect women’s sports?  , Or this year, when nearly every House Democrat , voted against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sport Act, and then Senate Democrats filibustered the bill? So much for “advancing dignity, opportunity, and equality”.
The results of Biden’s war on women has been predictably disastrous. Female athletes have suffered actual physical injuries competing against biological males, lost scholarships they worked their entire lives to earn, and watched helplessly as their records were shattered by competitors with obvious biological advantages.
Thankfully, President Trump is systematically dismantling Biden’s anti-woman record. It’s sad how Biden’s handlers are desperately trying to keep him relevant with embarrassingly tone-deaf social media posts. In fact, the post got absolutely destroyed in the replies—an utter humiliation for a failed president obsessed with his legacy.  ,
Democracy? We the people want women’s sports &, spaces to be for for women. We want government waste, fraud and abuse ended. We want criminals to be punished. We want a secure border. In other words, President Trump is giving us what we demand, while your party is anti-democratic.
— Rich Muny 🇺 � � ( @RichMuny ) March 8, 2025
Which women are you referring to..
Women-women or men who want to pretend to be women to take all women’s rights away?— realstephaniegaddis🦋 � � ( @stephanegaddis ) March 9, 2025
Which women are you referring to..
Women-women or men who want to pretend to be women to take all women’s rights away?— realstephaniegaddis🦋 � � ( @stephanegaddis ) March 9, 2025
Remember when you signed an executive order to allow trans athletes to compete in women’s and girls sports, and attempted to rewrite Title IX to allow it and even tried to punish states for taking their own steps to combat the issue. WE DO!
— Cindy ( @asheborn57 ) March 9, 2025
Joe Biden’s Democrat Party pic.— Marc 🇺 � � ( @gopher_marc ) March 9, 2025
You unequivocally eroded the rights of all women. Please. https ://— XX-XY Athletics ( @xx_xyathletics ) March 8, 2025
The contrast couldn’t be clearer. Biden posts empty platitudes while hiding in his Delaware basement, desperately hoping Americans will forget how he sacrificed women’s rights on the altar of transgender ideology. Meanwhile, Trump is taking real action to protect women’s sports and restore sanity to athletic competition.
Biden’s pathetic attempt at relevancy isn’t just failing—it’s reminding everyone exactly why he’ll go down in history as the president who betrayed American women athletes. Maybe next time his social media team should read the room before posting such obvious propaganda.  ,
Joe Biden may be out of office, but his handlers ought to think twice before they make such absurd posts, because they just humiliated him.
Want more uncensored truth about the left’s war on women’s sports? The mainstream media won’t tell you how his radical transgender policies have devastated female athletes across America. As a VIP member, you can help us stay alive because covering issues like this makes us a target of Big Tech, and could result in our being censored or demonetized. By becoming a VIP member, you will enjoy ad-free browsing, exclusive content, and more. Join PJ Media VIP today using code FIGHT for 60 % off , and help us continue exposing the left’s assault on women’s athletics. Don’t let them silence the truth—sign up now and support real journalism that puts American women first!