What do you contact an OnlyFans sexual worker who brags about the size of his investment and refers to people as “prey” that he’d like to either have or maintain as breeding dogs?
In Lynwood, Wash., you address him as Madam Councilwoman Jessica Ann Roberts. Because of training.
Or even as the Hon. Ms. Hannibal Lecter? It’s all so complicated.
Neil Vincent Roberts— AKA Jessica Ann Roberts— was appointed on Monday to fill the Position 5 position on the Lynwood City Council. Some of his clients revealed his sexually explicit ( not to mention disturbing ) OnlyFans page and Reddit accounts. ” I love the idea of grabbing a pretty girl and using her as]a ] breeding pet”, Roberts posted online. ” And when I’ve gotten her female, sharing her with my fellow trans fems”.
Andy Ngo pointed out this week that Roberts ‘ interview was “met by event from Democrats and leftists”. Sometimes they didn’t understand the part about Roberts wanting to use women as sexual and reproductive property — his inclinations don’t seem to have been frequently known until this Lynwood Times report that was published the day after his visit.
That was Tuesday. Today is Thursday, and the Lynwood City Council is scheduled to examine Roberts this night.
You can see the screencaps of what Andy dug up these but they’re at best dubiously safe for work.
I definitely don’t have to tell you that people who are genuinely sex dysphoric don’t advertise themselves in people the way Roberts does. Twisted adult animals who have weaponized humanity’s love and compassion do.  ,
And Another Point:  , This is completely related, but needs to be said. Our VIP Gold people get to visit Stephen Kruiser, Yours Truly, and maybe a special tourist once or twice a month on our FiveO’Clock There video live chat. I love seeing the same individuals in the talk every year — Kruiser and I call them “our VIP household”— but I keep thinking of all the Gold people who aren’t with us. Travel join the fun at 3 p. m. Eastern on Friday.
Despite all my times living in the Pacific Northwest, I’d just made it to Washington one day, and then only recently. So I simply assumed that Lynwood is one of those upper-upper-class exurbs that can manage all the pleasure ideas and then some. But I was mistaken. At even 40, 000 people with a median revenue at the lower ending of the Seattle metro area, Lynwood ain’t wealthy. The weirdness runs deep in Washington State, I suppose.
But as much of a stretch as this might be, let’s talk about the practicalities.
Without actually saying whether he was a sex worker, Roberts told the Lynwood Times,” Sex workers live, work, and pay taxes in their municipalities, counties, state, and federal government, while also contributing to their communities every day in ways not related to their work. They absolutely deserve the opportunity to represent their communities just as much as anyone]who] works in any other job across our city”.
So maybe Roberts is the right person to “focus on zoning policy along Highway 99 to encourage more mixed-use development near the SWIFT stops in line”, as the Lynwood Times reported he wants to do. Among the many issues faced when trying to encourage more mixed-used development is keeping women in your basement as breeding pets before eating them.
We really can’t stipulate those kinds of publicly expressed desires away, can we? Because once “big lady c*cks”, cannibalism, and sex slavery enter the mix, it’s difficult to focus on much of anything else— or to think of Lynwood’s newest city councilman as anything other than a latent predator.  ,
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