The two most famous swords in world history have the same thing in common: They probably weren’t real.
Excalibur, the legendary blade of King Arthur, was purportedly stuck in a stone. Beneath it was the inscription: “Whoso pulleth out this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England.”
So one day, a precocious kid named Arthur yanked it out — instantly becoming the new king. Which meant, of course, that there was now a big stone with a sword-sized hole on the top. It probably became a tourist attraction: The locals could’ve jammed a cheap, plastic sword into the hole and charged visitors a nickel to remove it. “Look at me, Marge, I’m the new king of England!”
Without question, Excalibur is the world’s most famous sword. The runner-up is probably the Sword of Damocles.
Thing is, it wasn’t Damocles’ sword. It belonged to Dionysius I of Syracuse, the tyrant king of Sicily.
Dionysius was a real bad dude. He was a lowly clerk who worked his way up to all-powerful dictator. Ancient historians considered him the cruelest and bloodiest leader of his day. (In Dante’s “Inferno,” his eternal resting place is a river of boiling blood.)
Anyway, a guy named Damocles visited King Dionysius I, flattering him and telling the king how fortunate he was. Surprisingly, Dionysius I offered to switch places with Damocles: He’d let the visitor sit on his throne and live the regal life.
But there was a catch: Above the occupant of the throne’s head hung a sword, suspended by a single hair of a horse’s tail.
Damocles fled the throne in terror. It wasn’t worth it.
Despite — or, perhaps more accurately, because of — all the trappings of wealth, control, and prestige, earthly leadership comes at a terrifying cost. As Shakespeare noted in “Henry IV,” “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”
No one rules forever.
And this brings us to Chuck Schumer and Iran. The former is a powerful Democratic kingmaker who’s never lost a single election; the latter is the dedicated, uncompromising enemy of America, Israel, Judeo-Christian culture, and “infidels” everywhere. Not unlike the despotic King Dionysius I, Sen. Schumer and the Islamic Republic of Iran didn’t rise to power without making an awful lot of enemies.
To quote the Joker: “You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.”
Weirdly, Sen. Schumer and the Iranian Mullahs are now connected at the hip over the same issue — and the same vulnerability: Israel.
And they’ll both be destroyed because of it.
That’s not to say Sen. Schumer’s partisan goals are squarely aligned with Iran’s. It’s more like two ships passing in the night, briefly sharing the same tides (and more importantly, a common enemy). Only in the helter-skelter world of Mid-East politics — plus the frothing radicalization of the modern liberal movement — would both Iran and Schumer find themselves shaded by the same Sword of Damocles.
In Schumer’s case, he’s on the wrong side of the Democrats’ generational divide: Old Dems support Israel; young Dems do not. We broke it down for you in January:
Last year, 77% of Democrats older than 65 supported Biden’s Israel policy. Just 16% disapproved. But amongst younger liberals, the numbers are reversed: 69% opposed Biden’s Israel policy; only 24% approved.
But more critically, most of today’s Democrats are anti-Israel. As we wrote in February:
In 2020, 67% of Democrats supported Israel. By 2022, it was 63%. In 2024, it was 47%. Today, it’s down to 33%.
In just five years, Democratic support for Israel has been cut in half!
Yet 45% of Democrats had a favorable opinion of the so-called “Palestinian Territories.” (By contrast, 83% of Republicans viewed Israel favorably.)
And here comes Chuck Schumer, who is releasing (today!) his new book, “Antisemitism in America: A Warning.” Just a few days ago, he outraged the AOC wing of the Democratic Party by capitulating to Trump and averting a government shutdown.
A book on antisemitism? Politically, it’s the exact wrong book at the exact wrong time! (And scheduling its release date for when Israel renewed its Gazan attacks was the chef’s kiss.) Frankly, Schumer would be in far better shape if his book was a pro-Palestinian screed that accused Israel of being an apartheid state — because that’s what his liberal base wants to hear.
Schumer’s book is like an eyeball gouge to liberal voters. (And let’s face it, eyeballs are the only “balls” liberals have left.)
If you’re a liberal voter, then the purpose of the Democratic Party is to stop Trump and advance liberal policies. That’s it! If it can’t do that, then it’s of zero utility. You’ve got nothing to lose by blowing it all up.
(Talk about foreshadowing: The pro-Palestinian party is about to Gazafy its own movement.)
The sun has set on Schumer’s day. He’ll probably be able to stave off the radicals, at least over the short term, but once your base concludes that it’s more advantageous to attack you than cooperate with you, the jig is up. It’s not a sustainable situation.
Related: PR Fallout of the Schumer Surrender: The Establishment’s Last Gasp
His ship is sinking.
Meanwhile, Iran is isolated and vulnerable. Its proxies in Lebanon and Syria are shattered, and Hamas is being routed. And just four months ago, its air defenses were obliterated by Israeli airstrikes:
Iran strike status update via @ynetalerts & @N12News:
1. All four of Iran’s S-300 air defense systems destroyed in IDF strike, Israeli & Iranian sources tell NY Times; Iranian officials express deep concern as vital energy & economic sites are now fully exposed to future attacks.…— Israel Radar (@IsraelRadar_com) October 27, 2024
Israel is now renewing its operations in Gaza. You have Trump threatening Iran (while playing target practice with the Houthis):
And then there’s National Security Advisor Mike Waltz explicitly telling the Iranian mullahs, “All options are on the table.”
Trump’s second term is more ambitious than his first. He’s focused on American expansion, territorial claims, and the relentless pursuit of American Exceptionalism. He doesn’t want Iran to access nukes, and he’s willing to give Israel a free(r) hand to pressure the Iranians. The common denominator is, he’s thinking bigger. And what could be bigger than a seismic shift in ancient Persia?
Internally and externally, we’re standing at the precipice of a New Age. You can almost feel the earth shift. As Trump rises, his enemies — at home and abroad — are shrinking.
And the Sword of Damocles above their heads is only just starting to wobble.
One Last Thing: The Democrats are on the ropes, but make no mistake: The donkeys are still dangerous. 2025 will either go down in history as the year we finally Made America Great Again — or the year it all slipped through our fingers. We need your help to succeed! As a VIP Gold member, you’ll receive exclusive access to all our family of sites (PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, twitchy, Hot Air, and Bearing Arms), more stories, more videos, more content, more fun, more conservatism, more EVERYTHING! And if you CLICK HERE and use the promo code FIGHT, you’ll receive a Trumpian 60% discount!
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