What sane man would be opposed to a project like this, given that President Trump is attempting to remove the violent South American crew members who seized control of the country when Old Joe Biden’s agents opened the southern borders? So it is apparent that Trump is upset with U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg, a far-left prosecutor, who attempted to deport planes to El Salvador. On Tuesday night, the leader took to Truth Social to explain his true feelings:
This radical left-leaning judge, nuisance, and ideologue, who was regrettably chosen by Barack Hussein Obama, didn’t get the popular vote ( by a lot! ), and was elected president. He didn’t WIN ANYTHING, he didn’t WIN ALL SEVEN SWING STATES, he didn’t WIN 2, 750 to 525 Regions, and heDIDN’T WIN ANYTHING! Despite having won for several reasons in an overarching authority, I think fighting ill-legal emigration may have been the most significant factor in this historical conflict. Simply put, I’m following the Citizens ‘ instructions. This determine may be imprisoned, like many of the Crooked Judges I am compelled to look before. In OUR COUNTRY, WE DO NOT WANT VICIOUS, VIOLENT, AND Crazed Thieves, MANY OF WHICH HAVE DERANGED MURDERERS. MAKE AMERICA GREAT TIME AGAIN! !
Trump’s true point was made in his election, in part because of widespread disapproval of the Democrat laws that allowed thousands of illegal immigrants, including an uncountable number of criminals and terrorists, to enter the country, evidently in order to secure a Democrat political lot for generations to come. Patriots are fed up with communist activist judges who haughtily appoint themselves to the presidency and rule over the president in place of the chair, enacting laws of the chair.  ,
Boasberg does have some supporters, and they are not all bone-through-the-nose, communist, idealist, open-border maniacs. The author of the excellent and necessary books” Death Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All” and” San Fransicko: Why Liberals Ruin Cities” Michael Shellenberger, declared that what the Trump presidency did when it flew the legal migrants out of the land just ahead of Boasberg’s attempt not to do so was “unconstitutional.”
According to Shellenberger,” It’s up to the courts, never the Administration, to decide whether it is non-justiciable.” The government must follow the order’s instructions until it is overturned or set apart by a higher court. Our program operates in this manner. He further warned that “if the Trump presidency continues to engage in these flagrantly illegal behaviors, it will reduce the authority, support, and legitimacy necessary to pursue free speech diplomacy,” which would be a disheartening outcome.
However, one X consumer asked Shellenberger a sharp question,” Great fan. Do you think district court judges have the irrefutable authority to issue any purchase they want before a higher court overturns it? trying to comprehend.
That was the issue. According to Shellenberger and another, Trump is violating the authority of the court system. The notion of judicial review, which states that the court has the authority and authority to evaluate the choices of the executive and legislative branches and law on the legality, is not in the Constitution but dates back to Marbury v. Madison, which was decided by the Supreme Court in 1803, is not new. However, that decision just did not account for the Boasberg-style scoundrel judges invalidating the chief executive’s actions on the grounds of his political opposition.  ,
Related:  ,  ,  , Dems Offer Lame Mistakes for Why They Failed to Applaud Whatever in Trump’s Speech
This problem will need to be resolved someday. After all, the American system was created as a system of checks and balances, or checks on the authority of each branch of government from various branches, to prevent the development of despotism. However, what we have in the form of Judge James E. Boasberg and another far-left propagandists like him is a new form of judicial dictatorship that has no limits to its influence.  ,
When the president of the United States is working within the rules to eliminate illegal immigrants from the land because he wants them around to serve the interests of his political party, if a area judge be allowed to overturn him? In Ludecke v. Watkins  in 1948, the Supreme Court ruled that” the very nature of the President’s power to order the removal of all enemy aliens rejects the idea that courts may pass judgment upon the exercise of his discretion.” Boasberg’s decision is not the way the American system should operate. A two-thirds majority in the Senate would be required to remove Boasberg from office, which would make it difficult to impeach him and remove him from office. That would still be a good place to end these conflicts before these petty judicial dictators cause the republic to fall apart, or at least work toward a resolution.
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