President Donald Trump praised an arrangement that will bring an immediate peace on power and facilities, and he revealed he had been speaking with the Soviet head for days.
Trump said in an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner at the White House on Tuesday day,” It’s a great thing — an immediate ceasefire on power and equipment,” shortly after the two-hour call between Trump and Putin.
A stalemate that only applies to certain kinds of targets is not a whole ceasefire, of course, but Trump described it as a very positive development.
The president said,” It will lead to other things.” I believe we will come to an agreement. It’s a good place to begin.
Trump also made it clear that this was not the first time the two officials had a discussion on Tuesday.
Trump remarked,” It was a very good call.” It marks the beginning of everything positive, I believe. Three or four weeks ago, the end actually occurred. I’ve spoken to Putin before, so this isn’t really a phone that started it. There have been more names.
That hasn’t been made open before, I said. Trump responded,” No, but this is a progression of the good.” ” If it wasn’t good, I’d show you.”
Trump questioned what would follow, saying,” Probable a total peace at the appropriate time. The situation is difficult right now because you have men shooting each other, but a complete ceasefire and a deal would be in order.
Is that far off the horizon? Trump responded,” No.” ” I believe it will move very immediately,” The leader acknowledged that both Russia and Ukraine will need to come to terms for that to occur.
I questioned the senator about how he could put strain on Putin. Ukraine, which is heavily dependant on the United States, is in a little simpler position. But how can we put stress on Putin? Trump responded,” Well, I don’t want to get into it, but there are excellent reasons why]Putin would do this,” Trump said. He would never do it, he said,” But if I weren’t here.”
Trump compared his successors to those who were speaking in the White House, saying,” They weren’t talking at all. ” Biden wasn’t able to talk,” Biden said.
Trump said,” I’m doing this because number one, I don’t like people to die.” ” And besides that, I dislike the fact that we have, in my opinion, spent$ 350 billion. They like to claim$ 190 billion or$ 200 billion, but I don’t know whether or not we spent$ 350 billion, with nothing to show for it. More important, there are fatalities. Although they are not from our nation, it is possible that there will be a third World War at some point.
The call on Tuesday was merely music on both sides, not a video call. I questioned Trump about whether he could learn something from Putin’s tone, also with translators. Trump remarked,” Putin was pretty solid, really strong, which he is.” It was a very wise choice, she said. I have a lot of knowledge of him. I believe he is taking it very seriously and wants to end it.