pilots Barry” Butch” Wilmore and Sunita Williams have suddenly returned home after roughly a year of being stranded in place. On June 4, 2024, Wilmore and Williams boarded Boeing’s Starliner capsules for its first mission, only to encounter propeller failures and hydrogen leaks. Without the crew’s assistance, the Starliner was returned to Earth for health factors, and since then, they have been stranded on the ISS. The Dragon spacecraft from SpaceX exploded on Tuesday at a fantastic time.
Encouraged back to Earth, Nick, Suni, Butch, and Aleks!- Splashdown of Dragon confirmed! photograph. twitter.com/M4RZ6UYsQ2— SpaceX ( @SpaceX ) March 18, 2025
They may have returned sooner, which is unfortunate.
Elon Musk stated next month in a blog on X that” SpaceX may have brought them back several months ago.” The Trump administration rejected my offer, and I immediately made it known. For political grounds, Transfer was pushed back.
Trump himself addressed the explorers ‘ delayed return during his Fox News interview on Tuesday nights with Laura Ingraham.
” So I said,” Elon, we got to get them out when I came in office.” You have a jet fleet at hand, right? And Biden removed them. Trump remarked,” He abandoned them. Biden said,” You know, we may have done this earlier, but he felt embarrassed by what transpired. So they were present it. They were supposed to stay it for a few days. They were it for a lot of times, and then they’re returning.
Of course, the harm power system on the left is constantly operating. Apparently, MSNBC is pushing the absurd claim that these astronauts were not stranded.
According to a host on MSNBC, the pilots were not actually stranded. Turns out, NBC, the owner of MSNBC, recently acknowledged they were. 0Here’s a list of retailers that even acknowledge being stranded:
The Washington Post
-Live scientific
Al Qaeda
-Fox News… image twitter.com/M2mXMZqNVn— Media Lies ( @MediasLies ) March 18, 2025
Scott Kelly, the twin brother of Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz. ), is also a former astronaut. He also jumped on the rejection train and claimed that” they usually had a journey home.” Actually? Is that the reason why it took so long for them to be returned?  ,
Scott Kelly, I just watched your past show” The Five.” They are referring to Biden’s abandonment and stranding. That is not accurate. Since September, they have a spaceship positioned there waiting to take them home. They have always had a choice to keep their photo and a drive house. twitter.com/XLMIISF4zB— Acyn ( @Acyn ) March 18, 2025
But here’s the kicker: Wilmore himself confirmed Musk’s claim, saying,” I can just say that Mr. Musk, what he says, is completely scientific… I think so. Game, set, suit. Additionally, Wilson’s girl has suggested that politics contributed to her father’s delay in returning.
This not forget that even the popular internet, which typically includes waters for Biden, acknowledged that these pilots were stranded. Use of a search engine to ensure this is absolutely free of work. All of them used the phrase” stranded” in their coverage. But immediately, we’re supposed to assume that they weren’t, right? If it weren’t so critical, this gaslighting may be hilarious.
American aren’t buying it, despite the fact that the left is try to rewrite history at their own volition. This area saga is just another one in a long line of failures by Biden, where political calculations constantly outweigh American lives. It serves as a stark reminder of why we need leaders who put America second, not just political game.
Because assisting these astronauts would have meant ensuring that Trump and his allies may have won the election, Biden stranded them. It’s that easy and disgusting. No number of democratic commentary may alter these facts.  ,
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