This is a true, accurate news article from today’s issue of Earth:  .
Tim Walz: My manhood frightens mag voters.
And to be clear, that title appeared on OUR world, Earth. Not on Earth, where all the bad men have goatees, or some other MCU-like world version. That article is completely accurate and spectacular, to paraphrase” Seinfeld”
Tim Walz made the startling claim on the audio of the well-coifed government of California, Gavin Newsom, who is equally as handsome. Their conversation is shown in this image:
Tim Walz has asserted that Maga citizens are “scared” of his manhood.
The original vice-presidential member claimed that Republicans targeted him because they feared he would win over female voters during the vote plan.
In an episode of the new podcast from the California governor, Mr. Walz said,” I think I scare them a little bit, [which is ] why they spend so much time on me.
The governor of Minnesota said,” No, I’m serious, because they know I can fix a truck, they know I’m not bulls—ing on this,” when Mr. Newsom began laughing. [emphasis added]
Tim Walz is thus sexy that Bud Lite did give him his own might. ( Probably. )
In any case, the ( inadvertent ) is. The Y chromosome was not sold, but Tim Walz obviously wanted to play the Alpha cards. Trust me when one tells you they’re intimidating and threatening, and they don’t want to be met with hysterical laugh.
That would not be the best way to treat a woman!
However, Walz claims that the GOP problems succeeded:
Mr. Walz acknowledged that the Trump campaign’s success in portraying the Democrats as poor during his presence on the This is Gavin Newsom radio.
He continued,” I just baffled me how long they tried to attack me because I wasn’t masculine enough in their eyes.”
If he acknowledges the success of the problems, why did MAGA use them, I find it perplexing. It’s like being enthralled over why the flour flung a slow-moving angle over the middle of the dish.
The post continued:
Mr. Walz was frequently criticized for his mechanic and hunting skill, as well as for how he used a straw in front of crowds throughout the 2024 campaign.
They kept on going, which I believe is their addiction or oddity.
He told the host,” We buy their window on these problems of gender,” describing how people attacked him digitally for appearing gay and” not masculine.” I believe I can get rid of the majority of their cock, he said. [emphasis added]
You may, of course, Tim. In reality, when Donald Trump, JD Vance, and Elon Musk went to the UFC function after the vote, I’m quite sure the president-elect uttered,” Sure, some of your men are strong, but Tim Walz— hoo child! He yawned at everyone in this place. I’m concerned for him.
” Hello, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” you might ask.” You don’t want to get Tim Walz angry. He’s so tough and manly that he’ll punch you in the head with his purse.
Look, I get that Walz is trying to sound like a poor man’s version of a powerful man, but the” strong man” routine isn’t going to work. He resembles the damsel in distress more than the knight in shining armor.
In addition, the Democrats have already attempted to play the” Walz is Manly” card in 2024. The Always Trump Nitwits tried to sell it as well, too, not just the Democrats. What Walz offers is probably the more traditional and historically accurate definition of a “real person,” according to former Republican National Committee seat Michael Steele. He is the person who will assist you in fixing your car because he is a father, a mentor, and occasionally a workaholic. I believe he’s a fantastic position type.
In fact, this passage appeared in the USA Today article straight after Steele’s estimate:” Fool coach and cheer: How Tim Walz is defining manhood in 2024″:
Walz’s portrayal of virility includes both the male-dominated environments of football fields, veterans ‘ organizations, hunting grounds, as well as classrooms, Pride parades, and abortion clinics. [emphasis added]
What could possibly be more usually manly than parades and pregnancy clinics? Nice monitoring, USA Today!
Steele wasn’t the only Not Trumper to hone Walz’s, er, genital qualifications. Tim Walz is a man’s man, unlike the man-children of MAGA, according to Mona Charen ( from her column ).
Tim Walz, who served for 24 years in the military and coached the high school football team to a condition final, has been viewed as a box-checking, liberal find, certainly as a liberal get. He’s not a strutting jackass, but rather a man’s man. The Republican Party’s current swaggering, snarling, cartoonish version of masculinity is excellent offshoots for a good male role model.
The Democrats want to redefine our definition of “male,” whether it be Never Trumpers, the DNC, or Walz himself. The general public disagrees with their definition. But instead of retaliating, they are insisting that everyone else is at fault.
It’s similar to the “latinx nonsense” where convicted white liberals took it upon themselves to make the Spanish language gender-neutral, disregarding the protests of Spanish-speaking people. No matter how many times Latinos and Hispanics have told them they want to respect their heritage and keep their language, vindictive white liberals have maintained that they are” Latinx,” and then they wonder why Trump surpassed his own expectations among non-white voters.
The Democrats want to redefine what a man is because they lost the male vote. Sorry, donkeys, but it doesn’t work that way.
Caitlyn Jenner will have the final say, though.
Gov Walz: I am more “male” than this. https ://— Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner ) March 19, 2025
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