The spring is suddenly upon us. On Saturday, I’ll be pruning the rosebushes and vines, weather permitting. Fortunately, I haven’t had to mow the grass already. Who else possesses the ability to not mow a garden? those who utilize lawns And if I’m any judge of Utah elections and Democrats, I have a strong suspicion that asphalt was present at a Salt Lake City town hall meeting this week that Republican representatives Celeste Maloy and Mike Kennedy attended.  ,
Really, I do consider myself to be a judge of Democrats and Utah politics. Up until my 40s, I spent the majority of my life in Utah and was a strong Democrat. I am aware of my words.  ,
Local TV place KUTV reported on the town hall, which Maloy and Kennedy were advised not to keep because irate protest would be out in force to yell insults. The meeting “turned turbulent” in the presence of a “hostile group,” according to the station softly.
a few quotations:
Part of the reason for the amount of yelling from the crowd was often difficult to hear what the solutions were. Folks like Lenore Rudolph, who claims to be a democratic member, sat straight in the front to make sure they were seen even before the meeting started. She remarked,” We’ve become lawless,” while holding a sign that Elon Musk kicked off Trump Tower’s statue of liberty.
Kathy Dudley claimed that she arrived because she wanted to see what her party’s members were doing. Dudley told KUTV,” I have a real concern with the smart thing.
 Almost instantly, the meeting became obnoxious.
You may yell” If you want me to answer queries, I’ll answer questions,” and I’ll answer them. However, we didn’t do both at once,” Maloy, Congresswoman, told the audience. One member of the crowd yelled again,” We’re going to do both at the same time.”
Republican chair of Salt Lake County, Mike Carey, was present, and he tweeted that it was obvious why the political group had a record-low approval rating based on the childish behavior of the majority of the audience.
( For the record, I intended to show the MSM’s current state by keeping the original spelling and grammar intact. )
So it became heated that night, and I suppose it was” chaotic.” Was it, however, a population increase? I’m unsure of it.
First of all, anyone who doesn’t reside in the Beehive State might assume that everyone is related to the Osmond Brothers and votes Democrat.  ,
Yes, there are many Osmonds in this area, but Salt Lake City is by no means a Republican enclave. It’s about as orange as they come in, in my opinion. Don’t be fooled by the Temple and Tabernacle. You’d probably had to travel to other coasts ( or at least Colorado ) to find a city that is more liberal than Salt Lake.  ,
Next, I have no fear that a corps of Democrats planned to attend and create Maloy and Kennedy’s lives miserable. The only thing Democrats value more than being irrationally and violently incensed is allowing others to see them there. Although it’s been a while since I first started being a horse, I’d wager that there is a provision in the group software mandating that members rarely miss a chance to boo a and in public.  ,
Third, it’s a safe bet that the audience included more than a few” Republicans” in the mix. The person who displayed the sign is probably one, in my opinion. Democrats adore whistleblowers and symptoms. Not so much for moderate Republicans. I’ve seen it before, too.  ,
People meetings were held when I lived in oil and gas state if a business wanted to drill or work on public lands of any kind. If you have enough information to include those for the news, you will be aware of who the locals on both sides of the issue are who attend those meetings. Brand-new faces started erupting one moment to rally the projects, and they all appeared to have either been in frozen suspension or have abandoned a revival of” Hair,” only to be less well-groomed. Of course, they were paid protest. I’m hoping they spent some of that income on lotion.  ,
A sizable group of” Republicans” who were actually Democrats had smacked their way into positions as state delegates and precinct chairs at the most recent state nominating convention I attended. Their only intention was to obstruct the protocol in order to defeat Mike Lee in the end. They also made a racial boast about it on social advertising. Here is a detailed profile of that day.  ,
Certainly some members of the Utah GOP are likely to be Romney supporters or Lincoln Project wannabes. You and the rest of the country are being made to believe this is a grassroots movement of thousands of right-thinking persons, as one of the highlights of the language, antics, and crime. The other is to frighten you into squeezing away and shutting down.