A Staten Island, New York-based teenager has filed a lawsuit alleging that his feminine counsellor, known as” Big Foot,” sexually abused him repeatedly while he was a juvenile detention center in the state. The prey, now 21, claims that the abuse took place when he was 17 and was taken into custody at the youth facility in Brookwood, which is located 45 minutes west of Albany.
The sufferer first reportedly met Maya Hayes, an associate counselor, during repeated counseling sessions at her home office, according to the lawsuit. He was allegedly raped more than 30 days before the allegations started about three months after his entrance. Hayes, 47, is accused of grooming and tricking the target into thinking the mistreatment was a part of reasonable care and treatment.
The teen claimed that she “used and abused her position of trust and expert” to “use her disgusting advantage and her own wicked benefit” and” to sexually abuses and utilize as some children as possible under the guise of engaging in regular and required counseling sessions.”
Additionally, Hayes is alleged to have abused and abused children under the guise of daily counseling sessions by using her position of trust and authority to do so. Several staff members at the service reportedly made inappropriate remarks to the sufferer about his interactions with Hayes, despite the allegations that they were aware of the abuse.
Hayes reportedly told the victim that she had dreams about him and that she had previously had a partnership with another defendant who resembled him. Additionally, the lawsuit accuses Hayes of persuading the victim’s parents to send her$ 100 payments via CashApp, allegedly for his personal care products.
Hayes was detained by New York state authorities in April on 65 felony murder matters. She entered a not-guilty plea and was let go while the case was pending. Hayes and a few different Brookwood employees are to blame for the victim’s inability to stop the abuse, and they are also seeking unspecified problems.
The victim’s attorney, Evan Brustein, who represents four different alleged victims, claimed that New York state people, who were unaware of the abuse and did nothing to stop it, are to blame. Hayes ‘ attorney did not respond to e-mail requests for comment right away.
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