The universe constantly advises you to “follow your soul.” Numerous advertisements, rom-coms, and bestsellers highlight the wonderful things that are said to be possible if we follow our emotions. What the world doesn’t show you is that following your heart isn’t always as honest as skipping a few ice cream purchases, changing your hair color, or asking the girl in the other room.
Instead, following your heart can cause you to experience difficulties of all kinds, including debt, addiction, repent, and trouble. In other words, following your brain is a sure way to sin.
Of course, God’s Word has a lot to say about the foolishness of following your brain and trusting your own judgment. Who can comprehend that the heart is sorely ill and deceitful above all things, according to Jeremiah 17 :9? When it says,” Whoever trusts in his own head is a fool, but he who walks in knowledge will be delivered,” verses 28:26 do not keep up. According to Ecclesiastes 9: 3b,” the souls of the children of person are full of evil, and madness is in their emotions while they live, and they go to the dying after that.”
What’s the end result of loving our emotions? The Apostle Paul explains:
Because they knew God, but they did not honor him as God or thank him, so they turned their foolish thoughts into fruitless, and their hearts turned dark. They exchanged the eternal God’s glory for images that resembled a dead man, birds, animals, and creeping things, and they were clever.
Because they exchanged the truth about God for a stay and worshipped and served the thing rather than the Creator, who is blessed always, God gave them up in the desires of their hearts to contamination, to the disgracing of their body among themselves. Amen.
For this reason, God gave them up to illegitimate impulses. Because their women exchanged healthy relationships for those that are contrary to nature, and because they were consumed with enthusiasm for one another, they also gave up healthy relationships. Men also resent their own actions, and they are responsible for their actions.
And because they did not think it was appropriate to embrace God, God gave them up to a degraded thoughts so they could do what ought not to be done. They were full of all different kinds of evil, wickedness, and hate. They are full of enviousness, death, struggle, deceit, and malicious behavior. They are blatant, dishonest, arrogant, intolerant, obedient to their parents, foolish, unfaithful, heartless, and ruthless. They not just approve of those who practice such things, but they also know the pious order of God that those who practice them deserve to die.
Romans 1: 21-32 ( ESV )
Why does the Bible mention our souls in this way? Our hearts and minds are encased in sin.
At Desiring God: A Memoir writes Jon Bloom
Today, it’s possible that your brain has said things that you would not want to repeat. I am aware that mine has. My spirit says that all of the world should fulfill my needs. Unless those people happen to think well of me, then they are great people, because my heart prefers to think the best of me and the worst of others. But if they don’t feel anything of value to me, or even if they simply disagree, then they have a problem. And while my heart is reflecting on my values and those of others, it may suddenly discover some wicked or incredibly enraged thoughts that are very appealing.
According to teacher and writer Thaddeus Williams,” Looking inside our hearts does certainly give us unbounded liberty as much as a bad case of claustrophobia.” Don’t get me wrong, I have no fear that our souls are amazing. Our emotions, however, have all the excitement of a jail cell when we follow the heart of God.
Relevant: Sunday Thoughts: The Danger of” You Do You”
That is the key. We may follow God’s spirit rather than following our own. We’ll be less likely to give in to the desire to pursue our emotions if we are placing our faith in Him and seeking His glory in our life.
The Lord can be trusted over our erratic, depraved emotions, according to Scripture:
The person who has faith in God, or who has faith in God, is blessed.
Jeremiah 17: 7 ( ESV )
Don’t rely on your own judgment; instead, confidence in the Lord with all your brain. Recognize him in all of your way, and he’ll direct your lines.
Proverbs 3: 5-6 ( ESV )
But first, you must first get the God’s righteousness and country, and you will find all of these things.
Matthew 6: 33 ( ESV )
That’s what devotion is, correctly? That’s what the idea of God being at the core of it all, and that God being the glorious One that we are called and created to praise. says Kurt Petersheim. To praise him,”. That is not incompatible with your great deed. In truth, I think there are two sides to the fact that God’s glory and Your fine work go hand in hand. If you want to glorify God, you must give your life to this.
We were not made by God to pursue our emotions. He gave us the gift of following Him, and from that will come all the great things that we frequently believe following our emotions will bring us. That is what gives Him His riches and brilliance. That is the essence of life.
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