5. 1 million people immigrated from non-EU nations to the EU in 2022, and 1. 0 million people immigrated from the EU to countries outside the EU.  ,
Newcomers from non-EU nations surpassed the estimated 2.4 million in 2021 flows. Likewise, the number of EU citizens emigrating to places outside the EU remained firm, with 1.0 million expatriates in 2021.
This information is derived from movement and migrant population statistics that Eurostat has released today. The more in-depth Data Explained content contains a selection of the findings presented in this article.
Cause data: migr_imm1ctz  , and migr_pop1ctz
In 2022, there was an approximated 11 refugees from non- Euro states per 1 000 people in the EU.  ,
Relative to the size of the resident population, Malta recorded the highest rate of immigration from EU and non- EU countries in 2022 (66 immigrants per 1 000 residents ), followed by Luxembourg ( 48 ) and Estonia ( 37 ).  ,
In comparison, Slovakia registered the lowest rate of immigration, with 1 refugee per 1 000 people, followed by Bulgaria and France, each with 6 newcomers per 1 000 people.  ,
Foreign- born community in 2023
On 1 January 2023, more than half ( 50.4 % ) of the population in Luxembourg was foreign- born. Malta ( 28.3 % ) and Cyprus ( 22.7 % ) completed the top 3 EU countries with the highest shares of foreign- born population.  ,
In contrast, the lowest shares were recorded in Poland ( 2.5 % ), Bulgaria ( 2.6 % ) and Romania ( 2.8 % ).  ,
In absolute terms, the largest numbers of foreign- born residents ( from other EU countries and non- EU countries ) were registered in Germany ( 16.5 million people ), France ( 8.9 million ) and Spain ( 8.2 million ).  ,
Supply data: migr_pop3ctb
In relative terms, Luxembourg had by far the biggest share of residents born in another EU country, 33.2 %, followed by Cyprus with 10.6 % and Austria with 9.5 %.  ,
The lowest shares of residents born in other EU countries, below 1 %, were recorded in Poland ( 0.6 % ), Lithuania ( 0.7 % ) and Bulgaria ( 0.9 % ).
When it comes to residents born in non- EU countries, the highest shares were recorded in Malta ( 20.9 % ), followed by Luxembourg ( 17.2 % ). Ireland, Sweden and Estonia recorded a 15.2 % share each.  ,
Slovakia ( 1 % ), Bulgaria, and Romania ( each .7 % ) registered the lowest proportion of residents who were not citizens of the EU.