Treat sex confusion with therapy, no drugs and ‘ affirmation,’ doctor says
” Sex- affirming therapy” is certainly helpful, a pediatrics team concluded.
The American College of Pediatricians issued a policy speech on “gender identity” and “biological sexual” after reviewing current literature.
The physician party” cannot condone the cultural affirmation, medical intervention, or medical mutilation of children and adolescents identifying as transgender or gender nonconforming”.
Instead, the health professionals recommended intensive psychotherapy to help the individual and family understand and finally address the underlying pathogenesis of their gender incongruence.
ACPeds “affirms the health fact that the gender of an entity is based upon science and never upon thoughts or feelings,” in contrast to states that someone can alter their gender.
Dr. Jane Anderson, vice chairman of the group and lead author of the speech, provided more responses to The College Fix via a press statement. At the University of California, San Francisco, she taught pediatricians.
The Fix asked how politicians, such as politicians, public health officials, and colleges could use the document.
She said, “none of the thus- called’ gender affirming’ interventions, including societal affirmation, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and medical procedures – both in isolation or in combination – improve the mental health and nicely- being of adolescents who identify as ‘ transgender.'”
There is no conclusive proof that those treatments stop suicide in youths who seek them out. Anderson said. They “may actually enhance that risk.”
The Fix inquired as to why restricting these treatments should be done in public health even if there were conclusive evidence that they would improve mental health.
Because there are no studies that demonstrate health or improvement in cognitive health, Anderson said, this issue is speculative.
According to Anderson, it is important to remember that proper and prompt medical treatment frequently depends on knowing a person’s genetic sex.
A late-diagnosed abnormal conception was described in Anderson’s case review.
A natural female who presented as a male’s ectopic pregnancy was previously reported because of her altered appearance, according to the woman.
A woman had a stillborn child in an essay for USA Today that Anderson even mentioned.
” Males and females may react differently to pharmaceutical therapy protocols”, Dr. Anderson said.
She provided a site, The Foundation for Gender- Certain Medication, that works to provide correct details about this subject. ACPeds likewise maintains solutions at biologicalintegrity. nonprofit.
The Fix asked why politicians, including judges, appear to be ruling in favor of trans drugs and therapies being readily available.
The transgender ideology’s supporters appear to be empathetic, and they claim that the adolescents likely experience emotional and physical pain and be more likely to commit suicide if not for the so-called “gender affirming” interventions.
According to Anderson,” the policy makers and authorities are reluctant to take action against this false narrative.” ” However, the scientific research, especially from Western countries, does not help this strategy”.
She made reference to a study on gender facilities and death in the BMJ Mental Health.
According to Anderson, the most recent longitudinal research from Finland that followed over 2, 000 adolescents who sought care in their female clinics found that when medical treatment needs were controlled for, gender identification with or without so-called “gender affirming” interventions did not increase or reduce suicide risk compared to population controls, citing the study.
‘ Gender confusion’ is often preceded by depression, anxiety
” The more compassionate approach is to treat the underlying mental health issues that frequently precede the onset of gender confusion, such as depression and anxiety and previous adverse childhood events,” Anderson said.
The Fix questioned what parents of gender dysphoric children should do to make their real sex, not their imagined one, and if there are any programs the ACPeds can suggest that have helped with gender dysphoria.
Anderson said, “gender affirming interventions are dangerous”.
” Social affirmation, often viewed as harmless, is an active confirmation that the adolescent’s delusion of ‘ being born in the wrong body’ is, in fact, accurate”, she said.
According to Anderson, research has shown that those who receive social affirmation are more likely to use puberty blockers.
” So social affirmation should be avoided”, Anderson said. ” It is their true sex, not their false sexual ( gender ) identity, that should be affirmed”.
According to Anderson,” Parents should also seek mental health therapy for those adolescents who are struggling with sexual identity.”
Anderson provided more information from two studies:” A Follow- Up Study of Boys With Gender Identity Disorder” and” Endocrine Treatment of Gender- Dysphoric/Gender- Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline”.
” In some studies, over 50 % of adolescents presenting to gender clinics suffered from depression, anxiety or other mental health diagnoses”, Anderson said. These adolescents are more likely to have gone through traumatic experiences as children, according to additional research. These all should be addressed by mental health professionals”.
Teenagers should be able to go through natural puberty, according to Anderson, who regulates how the developing brain is affected by sex hormones. At the conclusion of puberty, this typical process, in combination with appropriate counseling, will frequently be sufficient to make the adolescents feel at ease with their biological sex.
Up to 85 % of children and adolescents with gender incongruence will continue to feel at ease with their biological sex if allowed to enter normal puberty, according to the best studies ever conducted.
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IMAGE: Alexander Grey/Pexels
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