James Whitford says he learned that “it’s fine for nonprofits… to stay away from federal funding” after serving the needs of the poor and the poor for years through volunteer government.
Whitford, the i- founder and CEO of Real Charity, a nationwide effort to reform donation work, started serving the bad through a ministry called Watered Gardens Ministries in Joplin, Missouri, over two decades ago. He has developed a model for how organizations can best meet the needs of the underprivileged and genuinely contribute to the homeless crises.  ,
Step one, according to Whitford, is declining government funding because it reduces fundraising efforts, which disengages local donations, and” those local donors are often volunteers as well”, he tells” The Daily Signal Podcast” . ,
” So there’s a kind of a harmony between the native benefactor and being a volunteer”, according to Whitford. ” Maybe, a voluntary comes in first and becomes a donation.” Maybe it’s a benefactor that becomes a charity. But the last thing we want to do is” masses out regional presence in the work”
Organizations working with the bad also need to determine the “impact, not only outputs, but results”, of the job they are doing, he says.  ,
And lastly, “nonprofit officials need to accept work for their users”.
Whitford joins the podcast to discuss how organizations may develop a long-term strategy to combat poverty and homelessness in their neighborhoods.  ,
Talk to the audio below:  ,