Liberals are far more ready than they were in 2016 according to a leading donor to President Joe Biden. The purpose? understanding the significance of traveling to the Midwest.  ,
According to a Washington Post statement, John Morgan, a leading Democratic fundraiser and counsel in Central Florida, expressed his senses about the 2024 vote, but he claimed he believes the Democrats understand the political landscape better than they did in 2016.  ,
He argued that Democrats had too much faith in 2016 because they did n’t anticipate losing to former president Donald Trump and that they had too much faith in Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden’s campaign manager.  ,
” In 2016, we were reading Nate Silver, and we were n’t worried at all. When we woke up, we realized we’ve never been to Wisconsin, and we’ve never been to Michigan, and then all the Monday- day players are over. That wo n’t be the case for Julie”, he said. ” Because we are all set to gain,”
Some asked in the midst of the poll,” What if Hillary had gone to Wisconsin”?, the position she lost to Trump by a thin ratio of 27, 000 seats. Clinton’s inability to travel to Wisconsin during her 2016 presidential campaign has become a metaphor for the tactical errors she made during her Democratic battle.  ,
Since Super Tuesday in March, the Biden plan has been busy campaigning in eight states, including six crucial jump states that he believes are “must win.”
Trump has visited two states and two new appointments to Wisconsin and Michigan, which are scheduled for Tuesday, in contrast, but has been largely absent from the campaign trail in the same time window. His first trip to Wisconsin in two decades is Tuesday.  ,
Morgan said if Biden loses the election, people wo n’t blame his campaign manager as much as they blamed Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook.  ,
” No matter what, I do n’t believe that Julie will be held accountable like Robby Mook did Hillary,” she said. Because Hillary was supposed to succeed, the prosecutor argued.
Morgan expressed his fear ahead of the upcoming standard election, which will take place in seven weeks.  ,
” As my fantastic- father used to say,’ I’m when nervous as a rabbit in a room full of rocking seats.’ Yes, hell yes”, Morgan said.