Wisconsinis rally in support of key election steps supported by Trump.
Voters in Wisconsin’s April 2 key have voted in favor of two election legislation that Republicans in the position and past president Donald J. Trump have introduced and supported.
After the 2020 presidential vote, which attracted substantial donations from it businessman Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg both locally and abroad, Wisconsinites decided to support a measure that would outlaw personal money from voting in elections. Republicans often refer to the progressive patient’s efforts as” Zuckerbucks”.
Especially, the plan may change the law” to provide that personal donations and grants may not be applied for, accepted, expended, or used in relation with the carry of any principal, election, or referendum”.
Voters voted in favor of a relevant measure that would have restricted the selection of election workers for primaries, elections, and elections to “only vote officials designated by law.”
At his April 2 Green Bay protest, which took place the same day as activities in Michigan, President Trump asked his followers to vote well on both.
Advocates of the referenda included Rep. Tom Tiffany ( R- Wis. ), who spoke at President Trump’s rally in Green Bay, as well as Sen. Ron Johnson ( R- Wis. ), who also joined President Trump there.
The referendum was frequently opposed by Wisconsin Democrats. Those oppponents include State Sen. Mark Spreitzer, who represents the 15th District.
At the Green Bay Trump march, guests voiced support for the ideas.
Steven Levine, a Navy veteran from Florence, Wisconsin, who was standing with several other men involved in Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) chapters, did n’t vote in the primary.
” I would have voted well for both of those”, he told The Epoch Times of the legal modifications. I regret not going out and casting my ballot, which is awful. There’s no reason”.
Richard Verheyen, a former from Denmark, Wisconsin, dismissed Democrats ‘ antagonism to the modifications on the premise that elections would become underfunded without personal income.
” That’s B. S.”, he told The Epoch Times. ” All the people with money, they may place who they want in business”.
” Glance at our national budget, how much money we are giving away to other countries. The U. S. if finance its own votes. We do n’t need billionaires to do that. That’s why we pay our taxes”, Jose Diaz, a Trump follower from Green Bay, Wisconsin, told The Epoch Times.
He voted yes on both steps, as did an visitor standing near him, Jeff McDonald from Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.