Tim Tebow, a legendary school football player who has focused his post-football work on combating human trafficking, just disclosed what his foundation has planned for 2024.
” I’ll never forget the moment my father called me from abroad to inform me that he had just purchased the liberty of four younger women from traffickers,” my father said. I was in my late- 20s at the time and totally unaware]of] people trafficking”, Tebow , said. No one around him was willing to step in to assist the ladies, despite being surrounded by a group of great people while on a long-term vision vacation.
Tebow continued,” My father decided to open his pocket and free the ladies with the money he had on hand, not wanting to keep these ladies in the shadows they were in.” ” There’s a saying that bad triumphs when good men do nothing. My father had no intention of being the silent person. Who knows where these women would have been taken and what would have been done to them if he had only stood it quietly?
” Years afterwards, many more human smuggling patients have been rescued around the world, always right here in the States, because of the vision that began that day”, he added.
One of the first things he did when he founded the Tim Tebow Foundation more than ten years ago was set up a branch of the organization to fight human trafficking.
The base has now reached 30 locations, built 29 secure homes with 27 more currently under construction, led 5 USA- based operations in conjunction with law protection and built four USA- based healthy houses. In 2023 single, these healthy buildings provided over 8, 000 safe times to those rescued.
While we are appreciative of the impact we have had, Tebow  said,” I ca n’t help but feel that we are at a point in history where we ca n’t stand still and passively watching as evil rages on,” he continued. ” We need to move faster. We need to achieve more!