The dishonest corporate media and even some self-declared pro-lifers feigned surprise this week by declaring that the destiny of unborn children should be left “up to the says.”
Pro-life organizations criticized Trump for failing to support national limits on ending the life of newborn babies when he released an official picture on Monday with mixed messages on in vitro fertilization and pregnancy heading into the 2024 election. They attributed his” states ‘ rights” claim as a means of allowing Democrats and pro-choice groups to wreak havoc on Republican states by using deceptive ballot measures.
Commercial and some traditional media outlets immediately dismissed criticism as a social flop as opposed to a cause that has been at the forefront of the movement for more than 50 years. They behaved like it was a bait and switch that pro-life supporters were only half satisfied with the Dobbs v. Jackson decision as a triumph for living in the pregnancy.
” While there can be some genuine anger over Trump’s harsh flip- flop in an election season, most of the feigned surprise is for show”, Time publication asserted.
In 2022, the business media had a much larger reaction than it did immediately after Sen. Lindsey Graham passed legislation that would update German abortion laws to reflect European countries’ strict strictest abortion restrictions at about 12 weeks of gestation.
Only 37 percent of U. S. people believe abortion should be allowed during the next week, which begins at 13 days. But Democrats, the commercial media, and even some Democrats claimed that even the tamest of national laws limiting pregnancy to 15 weeks gestation, more than three months into childbirth, is a losing problem.
Even now, those within Trump’s campaign and Senate Republicans, according to the Washington Post, say “backing a national ban would be further inserting]Trump ] into an issue that has been politically damaging for Republicans”.
Pro-life supporters are not advocating a radical change in policy or the immediate release of a surprise agenda. They are supporting national limits on abortion. The pro-life activity has been working hard to protect unborn children and their mother since its inception.
The concept is that if life begins at conception, which , present knowledge,  , treatments,  , several states, and even , pregnancy huge Planned Parenthood , agree it does, we are morally and naturally obligated to protect it from harm in any way possible.
This objective is not fulfilled by limiting abortion to the state. Even the most Democratic of the state are susceptible to the plans of Democrats and pregnancy activists, who have figured out how to utilize flaws in state constitutional amendment techniques to define unrestricted abortion through all nine months. Anyone who accepts that reality does not truly believe the premise that drives the pro-life movement.
Republicans like Trump frequently change their views on abortion to fit a political need, which is a criticism-worthy move. The pro- life movement as a whole, however, has n’t changed.
The people who have sworn to protect life in the womb have been campaigning for a federal law that would spare women and babies from the emotional, physical, and fatal turmoil that abortion causes for decades.
For pro- lifers motivated to live out their principles, Dobbs was only the beginning. Before children and their mothers are completely protected for all, their mission to preserve the sanctity of life does n’t even begin to slow down.
Jordan Boyd is a co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour and a staff writer for The Federalist. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University with a political science major and a journalism minor. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.