Biden made the announcement on Monday that his administration was putting in place a second program to revoke student loans from millions of borrowers who are legally enrolled. The new plan is extensive and completely eliminates the debt of those who are eligible for loan forgiveness programs but have n’t yet enrolled in them. It also completely eliminates interest accrual for some borrowers.
The work is Biden’s most recent effort to woo voters from the upper-middle-class group that took out student loans as he tries to adhere to the president for a second term. It’s a terrible election-year cater that deliberately shifts wealth between the less wealthy and the college-educated class. It also highlights the support for those same top wealthy courses by the president and the Democrat Party while ignoring the working-class demographic groups that were the foundation of the winning political coalitions of Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
Since taking office, the Biden administration has waged a protracted war against the working-class citizens of the United States while hiding behind photo ops that give the impression that he is protecting the interests of that same working class.
Biden is putting the needs of the wealthy elite before the needs of the working class, whether it is the student loan cancellation plan, a regulatory scheme to force consumers to purchase expensive electric vehicles that they ca n’t afford, or refusing to secure the southern border and stop the flow of illegal immigrants.
In effect, Biden has turned the 2024 election into a class struggle. While he supports policies that benefit the upper and upper classes, his rival, former president Donald Trump, is promising policies that will spark a global trade war to restore U.S. manufacturing while halting immigration and ensuring the security of the border. He would also eschew a sizable wealth transfer to the upper class through the forgiveness of student loans, and enact a governing law that does n’t compel consumers to purchase goods they otherwise would n’t purchase.
The Biden administration has spent the entirety of its term repressing lower-class voters who never attended college and who work hard day in and day out to support the upper-class, college-educated electorates who are feared to not turn out to vote for him again.
The president deserves a new name: Bourgeoisie Biden for a man who has spent his entire career in public office trying to emulate” Scranton Joe,” the champion of the common worker.