Former president used to nominate diplomats to protect the country’s interests from foreign adversaries. That has a diaphanous prior to it now. Now, you have President Joe Biden‘s nominees, who want to dismantle the world they purport to represent.
Unfortunately, this is no exaggeration. On April 2, Secretary of State Antony Blinken , appointed , Zakiya Carr Johnson as the State Department‘s new chief diversity and inclusion officer to “advance our deep commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility ( DEIA ) in the department” . ,
It is perplexing to me how the Biden administration firmly clings to DEI, as President Barack Obama once said Americans clung to their Bibles and weapons. The private sector appears to be running away from DEI with as much speed as it did when it first jumped into these dubious education regiments and techniques.
The implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion peaked in the stormy summer of 2020, when U. S. places were rocked by hundreds of riots led by Black Lives Matter, an institution founded by Marxists , purpose on upending , British nation. The violence made the guardians of our social institutions accept a significant historical transformation, and so, the rise of DEI.
The reason companies frequently blame for now stiff-arming DEI is that it has turned out to be controversial. It turns out that it was not common to force the government into “anti-racist” training, which brought up many of the Cultural Revolution’s struggle sessions.
There is also the fact that , evidence , is piling up that DEI does n’t work—i. e., it does n’t translate into higher profits or other better outcomes.
But, undeterred by common animosity, the Biden management marches on to the DEI defeat.  ,
Which brings us back to Johnson’s interview at the State Department. Who is she specifically? The general public has a proper to scrutinize what she says and thinks.
Johnson has bounced between La work at the State Department, where she was chairman of the therefore- called Race, Ethnicity, and Social Inclusion System for six decades. She’s also worked for Congress and left nongovernmental organizations, including six times at Brazil’s quite left” Geledes instituto da mulher Negra”. Due to that job, Johnson , was a defender , of Brazil’s Socialist president, Inacio Lula Da Silva.
Johnson’s sights of the United States, the state she now represents, come straight out of the handbook of critical race principle: The U. S. is centrally rotten and therefore requires widespread reform.
” Because we live and work within systems, and those systems, as I mentioned before, are so deeply rooted in patriarchy, in colonialism, in racism, in otherism, we tend to be very resistant to shifts and changes”, Johnson said in , a 10- minute video , on “intersectional feminism” she made in 2020 for a consulting firm she founded. ” We literally have to be about dismantling that traditional structure at every turn in order to make any change,” he said.
The terms of critical race theory that shaped the new woke dialect that were first developed in today’s universities and then applied to the workplace were all present in Johnson’s speech. Words such as “representation”, “intersectionality”, “patriarchy”, “interrogate”, etc. As with all CRT experts, everything often boils down to “power dynamics”, a term Johnson uses over and over.
Society is “laden with traditions that already carry power dynamics, be they from histories of colonialism, or patriarchy, or misogyny”, she claimed. There are hierarchies and values, which really make it challenging to navigate and consider a future that is unique compared to what things have always been.
How do you change so much “iniquity” saturating American society, and the West in general? Johnson stated in the video that “how we move forward is how we move forward.”
In a , paper , she co- authored for Germany’s Heinrich Boll Foundation in 2020 with five other women who had formed the intersectionality group Action Circle, Johnson further elucidates what ails us. ” Everything is interconnected, whether we are combatting racism, confronting patriarchy, or dismantling white supremacy”, she wrote.
She stated that she would” challenge this group not to fall victim to a Eurocentric mindset,” adding:” I do not believe that the way we construct solutions to the most pressing issues we are facing in this world should model a colonizer’s map of how to do things.”
This ideologue has been appointed as the State Department’s witch-hunt chief, no doubt to appease malcontents who have lived abroad and whose experiences do n’t quite concord with the notion that we Americans live under” systems of oppression.”
We once confronted enemies. We are now the adversary.
Washington Examiner was the publication’s original publisher.