We may say a lot about our democratic leaders, of course. Are they dishonest? Yes. Are they energy starving? Yes. Are they a group of devilish, heartless monsters? Yes. But what may be most significant— the personality that may have the most holding on the future of our country — is that they are, by and large, incredibly ridiculous.
There is no denying that the most illogical group of muddle-headed imbeciles has ever been assembled in our nation’s funds, or any other nation’s capital, is currently leading us. It’s difficult to overstate how insanely terrible these people are.
If you doubt that, next please consider this picture of Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee.
You should be familiar with a few points about Sheila Jackson Lee before we get to the picture. First of all, she was formerly a part of the Science Committee. Next, she is also a former member of the Space and Aeronautics Committee. The second is that she is a representative from the house. She delivered an address to individuals from Booker T. Washington High School in Houston, Texas, on Monday in that capacity. This handle happened on the situation of the supermoon. She claims that she” created the opportunity” for the individuals to see the eclipse as she put it on Twitter, though this is not the really terrible element, though it is a terrible part. , Lee tweeted.
Now, I created the opportunity to see a special knowledge and thermal experience for the kids at Booker T. Washington High School. This was a historic moment for me as a past member of the Science Committee and former standing part of the Space and Aeronautics Committee. There ought to be more opportunities to share science with our various and underserved populations! But some students came out to see past for themselves! As they made their way to the area, many people said,” This is the first time I’ve ever seen this.” Despite having a student population that is over 90 % economically disadvantaged, Booker T has managed to create a stimulating environment where students are eager to explore space and room magic. The hallmark of this pleasure is anchored in prospect.
Then much is written in these few sentences to demonstrate that Sheila Jackson Lee has an IQ that is roughly the size of a needle.
She is, in part, taking credit for the sdk, for one thing. She seems to indicate that these young people would not have been allowed to look up at the sky and see this celestial celebration if not for her action. By gathering with the children, pointing at the sky, and saying,” Hey check it out,” she is, it seems, giving the opportunity to look at the sky. They never would have thought about or learned how to look at the sky without her.
Next, she seems to scold us for not giving “more prospects” to “diverse and prone” communities to see situations like this. However, she does n’t explain how we’re supposed to make it possible for different communities to experience eclipses in the sky when there are no eclipses. Only once every few centuries, though. What are we supposed to do about that? I’m not sure what that would accomplish if we invited different communities to visit once a month and therefore posed our arms in front of their heads to euphorically resemble an eclipse. Sheila Jackson Lee does n’t go into more detail.
Third, as more evidence of her needle IQ, she says this:” The hallmark of this excitement is anchored in chance”. I want to make it clear that this statement is untrue. That statement has no way of making sense. There is no interpretation we can actually gain from it. Perhaps what she’s trying to say is that the children were enthralled by the opportunity to see the sdk, which Sheila Jackson Lee had apparently created through an unnamed means. However, the term “anchored in chance” is at best clumsy and overly wordy, and” the hallmark of this enjoyment” is very stupid. Up they make a silly sandwich.
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We can tell from this single that Sheila Jackson Lee is the most illogical sort of illiterate. She’s the actual opposite of the smartest type of smart person. Someone who can talk about complex topics in plain English and uses simple words to express their thoughts is the smartest form of intelligent person. The most illiterate person, on the other end of the spectrum, is the one who attempts to communicate even the most basic ideas using big words but is unable to understand the words they are using, which prevents them from being able to communicate even the most basic ideas.
But by all of that information only, we already know that Sheila Jackson Lee is a monumental fool. However, things are about to get worse.
Before giving the audience of students a briefing on science, she addressed the audience and gave them a lesson in the subject.
Sadly, though, she has an understanding of astronomy that is so garbled, confused, and insane that my four- year- older daughter could readily fact check her. What she said is as follows:
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But, this sitting congressman, who has been a part of the scientific committee and the room committee, says that the Moon is “made up largely of gases”. The Moon is finally juxtaposed with the Sun, which she claims is “more reasonable” while the Sun is “mighty strong steam.” She therefore appears to believe that the Moon emits its own light and heat in addition to being a vapor body. She really much appears to believe that the Moon is generally a little dimmer, cooler edition of the Sun. This is not intended to be humorous or to be exaggerated. She appears to believe that is true.
And it is needless to say — finally needless to say — completely false. The sky is strong. Its exterior is steep. The mild it gives off is the lighting it reflects from the Sun. It does n’t produce its own light. Every child by the first level should be able to grasp this fundamental truth about our renewable system.
If my ten- year- ancient idea that the Moon was made of gas, I had been concerned. That would be a shocking level of ignorance for a ten-year-old. It is horrifying for a 74-year-old congressman. Not to mention puzzling. I have no idea how you can endure seven and a half years without learning even the most fundamental details about the Moon. This is similar to what would happen if a 74-year-old girl claimed that chocolate sugar makes up the Pacific Ocean. It’s not just that the idea is madly off center. It would seem impossible to carry on such a ridiculous assumption for that long. That is what she has accomplished, though.
Later that evening, Lee responded to the derision over these remarks. She stated,” Of course, I misspoke and meant to say the sun, but Republicans are, as usual, focused on terrible things rather than things that really matter. What may I say,” Foolish philosophers desire for stupidity”?
Today, once again, we have a speech here that makes no sense and means nothing. ” Foolish philosophers passion for stupidity.” What? What does that imply? It has no significance.
She simply believes it to be intelligent, so she said it. Because she is very actually dumber than a cockroach. She claims that the Sun was the only thing she could have said when she claimed she was actually speaking. If anyone on her crew had been at least a little smarter than her, they might have suggested that she try to make it clear that she was speaking of the Moon’s chemicals when she did so.
The Moon does have a very narrow environment made up of hydrogen, biogas, and other chemicals. It would be incredibly difficult to try to spin it that way, but at least that would be a plausible justification. Instead, she creates the least believable cover story imaginable.
Let’s go back and see what her statement would sound like if you swap in the word” sun” for moon. A full sun is a completely rounded circle, which is primarily composed of gases, as the saying goes. How could we possibly live on the sun? Are the gases such that we could do that? The sun is a very potent heat source. Nearly impossible to go near the sun. The sun is more manageable, and you will see in a moment, well not a moment, but in a couple of years, that NASA is going back to the sun”.
To be clear, she claims that is what she was trying to say. So the argument that this ignoramus made is that she did n’t mean to say that stupid thing; rather, she did mean to say something even more stupid. Now we have a choice. Either Shiela Jackson Lee believes that the Moon is composed of gases. Or she believes that NASA will visit the Sun in a few years because they have already done so. Pick your poison. Keep in mind that the remarks you just heard were just a 45-second clip that lasted longer than five minutes. This claim was also made in other remarks:
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Okay, now I ca n’t be sure what exactly this lunatic is babbling about, but she seems to be confusing an eclipse with a Supermoon. The moon’s closest approach to Earth coincides with a full moon, which occurs occasionally but not every 20 years.
I honestly have no idea what the phrase” they will shut the light down” actually means. Who is” they”? Does she believe that people who live on the moon manually regulate how much light enters the Sun? Nobody has ever mentioned the moon as a” they” in my entire life. Does she think the Moon is non- binary? We ca n’t be certain. But she continues. Listen:  ,
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She claims that our music is the product of the Moon and the Sun. That’s obviously asinine, but it’s the closest she’s ever come to having a thought that’s coherent. The problem is that right before that she claims that there are solar systems” smaller than the Earth”. That would indicate that there is a star in the universe that is smaller than the Earth itself, and that the planets that orbit it are so small that their orbit is no larger than the Earth’s. There is no evidence, according to the universe, that this is the case. But it does exist in Sheila Jackson Lee’s imagination. a location where the Moon is a planet as well as a source of gases:
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This is probably a good time to let you know that this woman has an Yale degree. She’s a Yale graduate, a prominent congresswoman, and a former member of multiple science committees, yet she ca n’t even bull**** her way through a five minute presentation about the eclipse to a bunch of public school kids without diving headfirst into the most bizarre science fiction anyone has ever heard. If I woke up one day and suddenly discovered myself in front of a conference of mathematicians expected to give a presentation on calculus, this is similar to what would happen to me. Except that I could probably get out at least one or two sentences before it becomes painfully obvious that I have no idea what I’m talking about. And also that’s calculus. In the case of Shiela Jackson Lee, she was denied the opportunity to speak about the Moon in a grade school.
Thankfully, she fact-checked herself during her remarks, working with someone to verify her theory. Watch:
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She was close to it. Yes, about as close to Pluto as the Earth is. Which according to Sheila Jackson Lee is probably about 14 and a half miles or so.
There is no reason to belabor the point any more than I already am. The point is that this woman, figuratively speaking, was unable to pass a first-grade science exam. And yet she is a member of” the party of science”, and has been a prominent congresswoman in that party for 30 years. And do n’t you think that this woman might not have been this foolish all along? She might just be another member of our ruling political elite who is suffering from dementia or some other form of brain damage. Consider that way back in 1997 it was reported that this same congresswoman, then a member of the House Committee on Science, visited the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, California and asked whether the Pathfinder — on Mars — had been able to find the flag planted there by Neil Armstrong. Since Sheila Jackson Lee’s office accused the journalist of racism after it was reported, this question was not captured on camera. However, we now know, many years later, that the least idiotic misconception this woman has about our solar system is that we planted a flag on Mars and that we visited and planted it there.
We are ruled by morons. by those who should n’t be trusted to walk across the room while carrying a pair of scissors. People who are likely to struggle to tie their shoes when they are photographed because they are likely wearing velcro shoes. These are the people running the country.
The good news is that we might be able to persuade them all to board a rocket ship and travel to the Sun. I’m told it’s pleasant this time of year. And that would solve a lot of our problems.