Following a highly anticipated review that concluded that transgender medical care is based on “weak evidence,” the UK’s National Health Service ( NHS) will review all transgender medical care.
Physician Dr. Hilary Cass ‘ landmark last” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>report, released on Tuesday, is the result of a significant, independent study that the NHS commissioned in 2020 regarding children and gender identity. Former Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health leader, Kass
Cass stated in her report that” the reality is that we do n’t have any solid evidence on the long-term effects of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”
In an following newspaper published in a medical journal, she wrote that the information we do possess for gender medicine is built on” weak bases.”
According to the report, puberty blockers may no longer be prescribed to kids in the context of studies because of their profound impact on brain development and spine health, according to the report.
Cross- sex hormones — estrogen and testosterone — may be prescribed to trans- identifying 16 and 17- year- olds only with an “extremely careful” approach, and there should be a” clear scientific rationale” for no waiting until the teen is 18, the report says.
Waiting may keep fertility and handle any other issues. Additionally, the report issues a warning that young girls who are referred to female companies have higher levels of abuse and neglect, including parental substance abuse and sexual abuse.
Jackson cautioned that she has even spoken to detransitioners who “deeply regret” their earlier shifts.
The review even demanded an ending to the ,” contamination of the discussion”, which it called “exceptional”.
There are” no other areas of medical where experts are so scared to openly discuss their opinions, where citizens are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst forms of bullying,” according to the report. This may stop”, Cass wrote.
A moment after its publication, the NHS released a speech on the Cass assessment, outlining the steps it will take in response.
The NHS said it will evaluate all transgender remedy it provides, including to adults, and all fresh treatment for 16 and 17- year- olds may be paused quickly.
Our letter urges the adult gender clinics to halt the practice of second appointments for young people under the age of 18 in light of your advice regarding the need for caution when beginning medical care for young people under the age of 18,” the NHS said in its response.
The NHS is also working on therapeutic advice explaining that puberty blockers are no longer a common drug. This includes establishing at least two new family’s gender service sites.
Next week, the Tavistock clinic, England’s even youth gender identity office, officially closed its doors after being dogged by discussion for decades.
The clinic, the biggest in the world, referred thousands of children for puberty blockers. In its last years, Tavistock began to see an increasing flood of young girls with gender- related distress asking for drugs despite having other mental issues like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and histories of abuse.
At least 23 states have already taken steps to outlaw medical transgender services for children in the United States.