Tucker Carlson spoke with an anti-Israel priest from Bethlehem, which is under the control of the Palestinian Authority, and he quoted him as saying that his views were representative of those of Christians in the area, including in Gaza, the West Bank, and in Israel itself.
Carlson spoke with the Rev. Munther Isaac of Bethlehem for the latest episode of his present,  , Tucker Carlson Uncensored.
Isaac is an advocate who, according to Isaac, opposes evangelical Holy support for Israel and claims that Jews do not need to feel safe there.
His firm, Christ at the Checkpoint, was initially profiled by Breitbart News in 2013:
A yearly event held in the West Bank by Christ at the Checkpoint features a myriad of spiritual leaders who are promoting tranquility and spreading the gospel. However a look at the meeting keynote speakers, open pronouncements, and plan betrays the correct agenda of these activists.
The firm’s administration maintains ties to radical political figures, and it also aligns with theology’s broader, less-orthodox orthodoxies.
By refusing to offer membership or economic opportunities, an organization that truly cares about developing harmony would highlight the fact that Arab countries force Palestinian immigrants to endure lifetimes of isolation. Or perhaps a group like this could work to combat the blatant racism taught in Israeli classrooms.
Christ at the Checkpoint, in contrast, undermines support for Israel and impedes the establishment’s peace through its debunking of evangelical religion and giving extremists credibility.
Isaac even recently posted about “76 times” of” suffering and pain” since Israel was created in 1948, suggesting he does not believe Israel may occur. Israel was attacked by Palestinians and a number of Arab state at its foundation, but they lost the conflict.
Carlson only presented Isaac as a model for how Israel treats Christians, not providing any of this perspective.
Ep. 91 How does the state of Israel address Christians? In the West, Christian leaders do n’t seem interested in knowing the answer. They ought to get. How’s the perspective of a priest from Bethlehem. photograph. twitter.com/Gvo116ojnf
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson ) April 9, 2024
Christians worship openly in Israel, and make up nearly 2 % of the community. ( Around 80 % of Jews are Jewish, with the majority of the rest Muslim Arabs, as well as Druze and other minorities. ) One of the few locations in the Middle East where this is true is that Israel’s Holy population is growing. Additionally, Christian Arabs are among the most successful teams in Israel in terms of financial success.
Isaac even criticized Israel’s commitment to the Abraham Accords, a peace agreement between many Arab nations that has fought the conflict. His top priority is not harmony, but rather the progress of the Arab conflict with Israel.
Carlson added his personal criticism, criticizing” personal- professed Christians” in the U. S. who are” sending funds to oppress Christians” in the Arab lands. He added that some “evangelical officials care much more about the very liberal state of Israel than they do about Christian areas in the Middle East.”
The priest attributed that to” Zionism,” the idea that Jews have the right to self-determination in their spiritual country.
Isaac also attributed Israeli support to Israel in the Hamas terror attack on October 7 and to numerous dubious claims made by Israeli soldiers, including that Israeli snipers killed two people in a church in Gaza ( which the IDF rejects ).
He also falsely claimed that patients in Gaza are unable to go to hospitals in Israel and are unable to receive medical care there. In fact, some Israelis, including some after attacked by Hamas on October 7, drove Palestinians to Israeli facilities. Prior to the war, Gaza had a number of facilities, and people frequently travel to Israel for specialized care. It can be difficult to arrange, but it is a concern for Jewish doctors— or it was, at least, prior to the war. ( Ironically, Hamas’s Gaza leader, Yahya Sinwar, was saved from cancer by Israeli doctors while serving tim in an Israeli prison. )
Carlson suggested that if one Christian was harmed by one of its military activities, the United States cut off all help to Israel. He neglected to mention Bethlehem’s prosperity and thriving Christian lot when it was under Jewish rule after the 1967 combat until the Palestinian Authority seized power in 1995.
The Holy people in the West Bank as a whole is secure, and it has really increased since Israel’s occupation in 1967, despite the decline in the Christian community in relation to the Muslim population’s growth.
Catholics are leaving Bethlehem, which is primarily a result of Arab influence and bad financial problems under the Palestinian Authority. Isaac blamed ,” the job” for the reduction in Bethlehem, which is not the whole story. Israel’s construction of the security barrier ( the “wall” ) and checkpoints in the West Bank 15 years ago was a response to Palestinian suicide bombings in Israeli cities and sniper attacks on drivers on nearby roads.
Isaac argued that Christians should worship in Israel because it is” not as completely as people say” as they would like to be. He claimed that it was challenging for Christian changes to change their religion, noting that rules from the Ottoman time govern many features of religious life, for all religions. Carlson falsely added that the claim that Christian converts in Israel have “fewer rights,” and that Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA ), a pro-Israel evangelical Christian, should be questioned about what he thinks about that.
Isaac added that evangelical Christians should not assume that the Bible encourages them to help Israel, because it would depend on the” environment” of Israel’s actions. He further stated that Zionism was not the answer to racism against Christians.
Carlson agreed that the United States does not support a state that is innocent of “blowing up temples and killing Catholics,” which Israel does not do. ( Two churches and a convent have been damaged in Gaza as the result of the war, and one was badly damaged, killing several people inside, but that was the result of nearby airstrikes, not intentional targeting. )
Carlson faced a lot of harsh criticism on social media.
I am a local Christian who speaks the language of Jesus Christ in Israel.
Most of us 180k Christian Israelis prefer to live widely in Israel as opposed to Bethlehem’s Palestinian Islamic Authority. Israel gives us freedom while living under Arabs … https ://t.co/aw1z3U3PNQ
— Shadi khalloul שאדי ח’לול ( @shadikhalloul ) April 10, 2024
Tucker, my companion, before the Palestinians took over Bethlehem contrary to the Oslo Accords in the half- 1990’s, Bethlehem was under Israeli command and its inhabitants was 80 % Christian. One of the epicenters of the Holy world was there. Since Oslo and the resulting Palestinian… https ://t.co/Jk6VwRm7Aa
— David M Friedman ( @DavidM_Friedman ) April 9, 2024
Bethlehem is NOT controlled by Israel, it’s under the command of the Palestinian Authority. If these churches and priests do n’t cross the line, as they do in Egypt and Syria, or wherever there is a religious minority in an Islamic territory, they are in danger of losing their lives.
Had … https ://t.co/d1kKdzkvOj
— David Reaboi, Late Republic Nonsense ( @davereaboi ) April 9, 2024
This is a misguided reach piece that highlights Tucker’s typically well-hidden side. After the PLO took control of Bethlehem in 1996 according to Islamic harassment, the Christian inhabitants all but vanished. The only Christian population in the Middle East that is growing is the Christian… https ://t.co/ucX7B0HXSI
— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick ) April 9, 2024
Carlson, who experienced a change to the isolationist produce after the Iraq War, has been wary of U. S. aid for international wars, and appears to reject the idea that Israel, as a nearby U. S. supporter against Islamic terror, deserves support.
Joel B. Pollak is Top Editor- at- Big at Breitbart News and the number of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday night from 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. ET ( 4 p. m. to 7 p. m. Platinum ). He is the creator of the new e- guide,” The Zionist Conspiracy ( and how to meet it )”, now available on Audible. He is also the creator of the electronic- text, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U. S. Presidential Election. He is a success of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Following him on Twitter at @joelpollak.