In a letter to the school’s leader, anti-Israel students at Yale University are threatening to launch a hunger attack if the school does n’t agree to withdraw from arms producers” contributing to Israel’s abuse on Palestine” by Friday night.  ,
” If these expectations are not met by the day of 4/12/2024, we will go on a starvation strike”, the kids wrote to President Peter Salovey. We may harm our physical well-being in ways that only resemble a small portion of the total destruction that Zionists are currently experiencing. Yale’s involvement in genocide had end”.
The letter accuses the university of earning “from this large cultural cleansing” and calls the United States the “empire that is funding the military invasion and invasion of Palestine” in response to Israel’s war against Hamas for cruelly massacred more than 1, 000 people on October 7.
” Our presence in this University and this region are people defined by necropolitics”, the kids continued. ” Our life here continue to exist because Yale and the US government have invested in Palestinian deaths.”
The kids claimed they “exhausted every means probable” of making their accents heard even though the school did not agree to make any changes. The kids cite numerous events, talks, discussions, and demonstrations that they say failed to evoke a response from the officials.  ,
You “fail completely talk as a secured right on this campus,” the letter reads,” but treat it as though it has no real weight.” You must respond to “our completely speech,” we say.
The kids pleaded for donations for “life-giving help” and medical assistance in a now deleted article on the students ‘ Instagram accounts to help the strikers.
Yale is also accused of going against its commitment to make purchase decisions that “incorporate the total costs of weather alter.”
The letter states that” the first 60 days of Israeli assault have released more greenhouse gas emissions than the annual carbon emissions of twenty individual states, and the carbon expense of rebuilding Palestine will exceed the combined annual emissions of over 130 individual nations.”  ,
The kids demanded Yale to stop producing any arms and supply military suppliers, in response to Yale’s decision to not invest in assault weapons in 2018.
The Israeli military causes “incontrovertible societal harm” and “grave cultural injury” as they decimate Palestine’s educational infrastructure, just like home shootings do.
The students then need that the president discuss the company’s potential divestment at a future board meeting of Yale Corporation.
According to Yale Daily News, a group of 12 graduate and undergraduate students signed the letter.
The Instagram post was in cooperation with Yale Law Students for Justice in Palestine, Yalies for Palestine, and Yale Graduate Kids for Palestine.
According to Yale Daily News, the school is reevaluating its purchase policies, citing a statement from the college in February 2024 confirming there is a review to expand the 2018 assault weapons policy to” include manufacturers who successfully retail to the general public.”
A comment request was not received by Yale University.