A hundred days into author, director Alex Garland’s Civil War, I was hit with a wild situation of déjà nostalgia. Since the film was n’t engaged, I had plenty of head space to explore this experience. What is this? Where is this déjà nostalgia coming from? Perhaps it is unrelated to the film at all. Perhaps this is how somebody feels after consuming a case of capsaicin from Big Lots?
Therefore it hit me.
The most absurd film I’ve ever seen is this.
I mean, Civil War is dumb—as in earliest- review silly. Ex Machina, which Garland directed, was the first film to be successful, followed by two flop. Therefore, it’s beyond me that no one ever told him how far labor his text also needed.
Yeah, so I’m sitting there wondering why Civil War felt but comfortable, and then it hit me—Elysium! The dumb in Elysium ( 2013 ). Consider how all that stupid poured down like storms the size of vehicle batteries? Oh, yes, I’d been these before—a sweaty, hungry, left- wing wankathon undermined by arrogant plot holes that scream: This will hit but many left- wing sweet spots, there’s no reason to bother with logic or reality.
First things first…
The entertainment media, filmmakers, and stars are all lying to you ( big surprise ). The notion that Civil War is hardly political is nothing less than a cinematic-style sneering gimmick thrown into a promotion campaign so the Beautiful People can relax and enjoy the first few days knowing that the opening hours will sway us Trumptards ideal over the chairs. The Evil White President uses this cadence to distribute a rest, saying that” some people are now calling it the greatest success in the history of military activities.”
]embedded material]
I have to ruin the entire story to show how stupid this film is. You’ve been warned…
Civil War’s biggest concern is that there is no courage of faith. Thirty years ago, an Oliver Stone or Spike Lee would’ve directed the devil out of this, no caring who got offended. Garland’s story is a pile of wussy. He acts like a wrestler hiding behind the id and occasionally punching the unusual sucker punch, instead of giving the tale the power of a strident point of view.
And you never know who to support without a clear point of view. Has President GreatHairRedTie ( Nick Offerman ) refused to leave office for good reason—to hold the union together? I was certain he was the hero when we were informed that the president disbanded the FBI and shot reporters on view. The Western Forces ( WF), a military partnership between California and Texas to remove President GreatHairRedTie from the picture, are on the other side. However, another than assassinating Trump, we are not told what they stand for.
Garland’s text is so dishonest it removes a sense of bets. Obviously, we’re supposed to automatically area with the WF because … it’s cultural?
The story is a dreary street video where four” editors” drive from New York to Washington, D. C. Their goal is to meeting the president. Hardened photojournalist Lee Smith ( Kirsten Dunst ( the only interesting thing in this clunker ), her coworker Joel ( a total ham ), aging New York Times reporter Sammy ( Stephen McKinley Henderson ), Jesse ( a forgettable Cailee Spaeny ), and her real job is to coax exposition from the others.
This foursome frequently faces threat from rural white guys and only rural white guys throughout the journey because we never really get to know them and therefore do n’t feel any tension when they’re in danger. The trip is even boring. We’re taking a trip to D.C. to ask the president tough inquiries, which provide no mental support. And the dialogue … Oh, man… After a close call, Jesse talks about how scared she was and then says,” I never felt more alive”. That’s as second review as it gets.
It sure does n’t help that by this time, someone has already mentioned the” Anifa Massacre”, which is the only movie I want to see.
Anyhow, I promised to ruin the whole story, so here it is …
First of all, why are only two states vying to eliminate GreatHairRedTie, who had essentially declared himself a dictator after serving a second term unelected? This makes zero feeling, including traditional feel. People from all over the nation had shape battalions and add a side. Finally, we learn that the remaining 48 says broke off into the Florida Alliance, the New People’s Army, and the Loyalist States. Okay, but what are they doing?
Why does it appear that just 11 people are defending the chairman at the White House given that there are more than two hundred Loyalist States?
Only two says in the Western Forces oppose the president, and there are more than two dozen Nationalist State on the government’s area. Why is the leader losing?
Why did that man acknowledge his Hong Kong heritage to the hillbilly? Darwin demanded that the jerk find shot.
What happened to the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force?
Why does n’t the president use low-level nuclear weapons to annihilate the Western Forces?
Why is there no heat conflict or airman in charge?
Why does President GreatHairRedTie wait to get killed in the Oval Office rather than hide deep inside a vault with the radioactive codes?
Why does Kirsten Dunst’s figure panic with PTSD at the exact moment it’s all happening? ( Answer: Oscar Moment. )
Plenty of futuristic movies refuse to explain anything, but within their particular earth, the earth makes sense. There’s a reasoning to them. There are laws. Additionally, we are given a area or someone to core for. Will four lifeless characters discussion the president, but the margins are a little higher. True edge- of- your- chair stuff it.
Civil War wants to be a powder video against Donald Trump, a ease blanky, and a support creature of wish-fulfillment for disentangled leftists and CNN anchors who appear to have been slapped every time a new 2024 poll is released. However, this is just a bad movie that is undermined by a script that is unbearably stupid.
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