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The article at , The Daily Caller , read:  ,
Whoopi Goldberg claims that Republicans “want to deliver slavery up”
Some type of that article and Whoopi’s quip on ABC ‘s , The View , was all over the internet universe on Wednesday.  , The Daily Caller , type reported this:  ,
Whoopi Goldberg, a co-host of The View, remarked on Wednesday that Republicans “want to provide slavery again,” as she enraged against Arizona’s restoration of an 1864 abortion restrictions.  ,
ABC News’s Whoopi Goldberg boldly claims, without proof, that Republicans “want to bring slavery up”
She then demands that the Supreme Court have progressive-activist judges.
The Supreme Court’s “one of the best stuff about it is that you may struggle to make sure you make things better” image. twitter.com/Bq0kT33ATG— Nicholas Fondacaro ( @NickFondacaro ) April 10, 2024
Who does fact-check her on this absurd say? Whoopi does n’t seem to be completely aware ( or purposefully ignores ) that the movement for slavery in the day originated not from Republicans, whose party was founded in 1854 to oppose the expansion of slavery.
Past information that it was, in fact, slaves- holding Democrats who founded the Democrat Party. And certainly, Whoopi is conscious that , the Democratic Party, reading in its first 6 programs, strongly supported slavery. Not to mention that its members of Congress opposed the passing of the 13th Amendment, which ended servitude. Over the concerns of the fervently anti-slavery Liberals, the GOP put an end to slavery.
And how many Democratic leaders had slaves in their possession, yes? There were seven from 1800- 1861.
And since Whoopi connected servitude to abortion, it serves as a reminder that Margaret Sanger was the pro-abortion Planned Parenthood’s leader. Sanger was the foundation of her assistance for abortion, despite her infamously deep-seated racism. Her goal was to use pregnancy to reduce the population density. Black people account for 38 percentage of pregnancies.
Is n’t it past time Whoopi and other media outlets pressed on the Democratic Party to apologize for supporting slavery? A call for compensation is occasionally made, but oddly, it always goes to the Democratic Party, which, as previously stated, was in charge of supporting servitude and making it a matter of government policy when it won votes on a system of enslaving dark Americans.
Point? The progressive media’s way of doing things is to make up stories or gaslight Americans.  ,
As the Whoopi account made the rounds, so also did this tale from NPR’s Uri Berliner. Berliner’s part over at , The Free Press , was headlined:  , I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Times. How’s How We Lost America’s Trust.
Uri Berliner, a senior at the open radio institution, says the system lost its way when it started telling viewers how to consider.
Berliner goes on to say:  ,
An open- minded spirit no longer exists within NPR, and now, predictably, we do n’t have an audience that reflects America.
His place was unmistakably that NPR had no diversity of viewpoints. Every minute of the Radio broadcast day was intended to promote the democratic world view. They’re never only. Beyond acknowledging the severity of the issue, Bertliner acknowledged that it extends to NPR.
As if to strengthen Berliner’s place, in the , Washington Post , the other day was this now toxic article about the firing by Chicago police of a 26- year old black man named Dexter Reed.  ,
It took a full eight passages, deep inside the tale, for the , Post , to document:  ,
One officer was hit first, according to COPA ( Chicago Police ), while four others returned fire, according to COPA ( Chicago Police ).
Which is a statement made in the title that police fatally shot a lone black man to death in a storm of 96 guns while stopping him on the pretext of not having his seat belt connected.  ,
In other words, the , Post , was n’t interested in the truth and the facts. The , Post, like those at NPR, are just engaged in pushing the democratic world view. That view is expressed in this instance as authorities are attempting to arrest young black people. Belittling is therefore on the rise.
Which brings us back to Whoopi Goldberg on , The View. Just put, Whoopi, like the NPR group and that , Washington Post , title, was gaslighting her visitors. In Whoopi’s situation leaving the idea that Republicans “want to deliver slavery up” because, of course, Republicans had supported slavery in the first place.
When, of lessons, the truth is exactly the opposite. Worse, in today’s world, the party somehow ca n’t find it in themselves to apologize for slavery because they have repeatedly supported slavery and opposed abolishing it. No one in the pro-Biden media may request it.
Does Whoopi ask Democratic Party Chairman President Joe Biden to forgive to black Americans for their frequent support of slavery on The View?
Do n’t wait up.