Democrats in California changed a bill on Tuesday that would have made soliciting children’s sexual a criminal, loosing some of the language and limiting those who seek child sex from 16- and 17-year-olds.
The California bill‘s original intention was to convert a misdemeanor to a criminal offense punishable by a fine of up to$ 25,000, according to The Daily Wire. Additionally, the policy would have required those found guilty of soliciting a minor to record as a sex offender for ten years.
Democrats on the California Senate Public Safety Committee changed the bill without the initial sponsor’s consent to simply prosecuting those who engage in sexual activity with minors under the age of 16 in a criminal offense.
Senate Public Safety Committee members voted to move forward with the expenses on Tuesday, according to The Daily Wire.
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Republican State Senator Shannon Grove, who proposed the expenses, went on history to object to the changes after the California Senate Public Safety Committee made the decision to move it with modifications that weakened its original purpose. KCRA 3 reported that Grove’s speech was shaking when she said, “To power these modifications on me in front of victims, to ocean this down to avoid 16 and 17-year-olds. ”
In a later hit launch, the Republican senator described the changes as “hostile modifications. She added that child sex consumers may be considered ineligible for prison under the new version of the legislation. ”
In the press release, Grove said she was “incredibly disappointed ” that the Public Safety Committee rejected the legislation she proposed to “make the buying of children for sex a prison felony, ” adding that she was “blindsided ” by the Democrats ’ decision to amend her bill without her consent.
A simple good after buying a baby for sex is not an appropriate abuse, according to the law, and children of all ages are entitled to it. California from all over the state have voiced their concerns, according to Grove. “ Unfortunately, the members of the public safety committee continue their soft on crime approach at the expense of California’s most vulnerable, our children. ”