Former President Donald Trump leads in six of the seven 2024 swing state tribes, a Morning Consult/Bloomberg surveys found Wednesday, signifying Trump’s continued , supremacy over President Joe Biden.
In a number of previous swing state studies, it was suggested that Trump had a strong lead in the states that Biden needed to defeat him.
Bloomberg voting confirmed Trump’s continuing guide:
Georgia:  , Trump: 49 percentage ( + 6 ) Biden: 43 percentage
- Wisconsin:  , Trump: 48 percent ( + 4 ) Biden: 44 percent
- North Carolina:  , Trump: 51 percent ( + 10 ) Biden: 41 percent
- Pennsylvania:  , Trump: 47 percent ( + 1 ) Biden: 46 percent
- Arizona:  , Trump: 49 percentage ( + 7 ) Biden: 42 percent
- Nevada:  , Trump: 51 percent ( + 8 ) Biden: 43 percentage
- Biden edges Trump in only one swing state, Michigan: ( + 2 )
Trump’s direct in , Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are important,  , lifelong Democrat director Doug Sosnik , wrote , in the , New York Times.
Seven says, ( Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina ) will determine the president, he said. If Trump , wins one or more of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin,  , Biden’s chances of obtaining 270 electoral vote become more narrow, he added.
After Trump’s legal trial commenced last week, national polls revealed Trump stifling the leader in the polls. The polls were used to emphasize Trump’s legal challenges, which largely seek to bust him and place him in jail.
” I think there’s this concept that the lawful troubles that Trump is facing had somehow helped him,  , but that’s not something that I’ve actually seen in the new data”, CNN’s top data , reporter , Harry Enten said this week:
There’s this notion that Trump’s test are helping him, but the voting over the last quarter says that is hogwash.
Biden’s gaining in the elections, &, those paying attention to the testing favor Biden over Trump by a distinct ratio. photograph. twitter.com/5J9Ofztds D
— ( ( ( Harry Enten ) ) ) ( @ForecasterEnten ) April 23, 2024
When again, the Bloomberg surveys burst CNN’s bubbles. It discovered that Trump still leads Biden by six points.
- Trump: 49 percentage
- Biden: 43 percentage
The RealClearPolitics , ordinary of regional polls , shows Trump relationships Biden in a simulated link.
Wendell Husebo is a former GOP War Room Analyst and a political writer for Breitbart News. He is the publisher of , Politicians of Slave Morality.  , Follow Wendell on ,” X” , @Wendell Husebø or on Truth Social @Wendell Husebo.