British historian Benedict Anderson reportedly coined the term “imagined communities” in his 1983 magnum opus, which describes how people in the early present era imagined themselves as members of a community that transcended their instant interpersonal relationships. For instance, an Italian had to think of something bigger than his community in Rome in order for the country to occur.  ,
The concept of imagined communities even defys the existence, at least on one stage, of a fantastic figure that is more prevalent in the minds of the residents of a community than in reality. In other words, one woman’s perception of what it means to be an American man may not be as informed by either the South’s story or its current situation.  ,
Lastly, an “imagined group” also involves the can. One has will to think France is the distinctively secular republic, and one must enforce that did through propaganda, art, education, etc. These are the reasons why, despite there being actual social and cultural limits between people, nationwide identity is something that can change.  ,
There is a powerful and inventive vision of the United States within contemporaneous political left discourse. This viewpoint is held by critical race theorists, who find it especially perceptive that America is necessarily functionally racist. In this regard, America was founded on slavery and was intended to maintain a master-slave relationship between white people and non-white people who were basically working and living under oppression. In his latest work, The Virtue of Color- Blindness, Andre Archie, interact teacher of ancient Greek philosophy at Colorado State University, challenges critical race theory ( CRT), arguing for a colour- blind approach to American identity.  ,
Archie offers a special view on the CRT debate. A dark American from Denver, Archie is proud of both his American heritage and his border foundations. Also, Archie is steeped in the European tradition and is a professional in Greek beliefs. The Eastern tradition is seen by Archie as a shared identity for all Americans. In his book” Potatoes,” he recounts his experiences growing up in a working-class home in Colorado during the 1970s and 1980s. He points out that despite his family going through periods of poverty, he was never taught racial enmity as a child. Rather, he was exposed to specific company and was drawn to black traditional figures like Bill Hervey and Ken Hamblin as a child.
Archie found Hamblin’s point of emphasis on how a sizable part of the dark American population was shamed into silence if they disagreed with either light liberals or black nationalists at odds with them attracted him. At Colorado State University, Archie continued her education under Professor Bill Hervey, a Cornell Straussian and Allan Bloom student, learning the secrets of Greek theory and the American history as the legacy of all Americans, regardless of race. Archie, nevertheless, has seen this shared history attacked by critical competition scientists.  ,
Archie makes the crucial observation that those black Americans who despise America are engaging in what Roger Scruton refers to as “oikophobia,” or contempt of one’s home. Black nationalists ( like white nationalists ) often shape imagined identities of themselves rooted in misreadings of African, European, and Islamic history. Some charcoal patriots make every effort to range themselves from the country where they were born and where their ancestors lived for hundreds of years, whether it be by changing their names or dressing like Arabs or Egyptians.
Archie points out that black Americans have lived in America more than most other ethnic groups outside of Anglo-Saxon settlers. A traditional black British born in Louisiana is a Louisianan and, in Archie’s watch, should acknowledge that Louisianan identity. Although it is true that dark Americans have been subjected to prejudice and rejection in real-world settings, according to Archie, they occasionally choose to participate in self-alienation.  ,
The best book in The Virtue of Color- Deafness is” Identity, Nationalism, and Race”. Archie asserts in this chapter that he is not advocating the end of all forms of ethnic identity ( Archie himself acknowledges that he is very proud of the black American jazz music tradition ). He does, however, argue for Americans to view their American identity as major. In his” Letter from A Birmingham Jail,” the author asserts that Martin Luther King Jr. appealed to a common European history rooted in Greek philosophy, a tradition that both black and white Americans are a part of.  ,
According to Archie, the common American culture should be paired with” creedalism”, or a uniting belief in shared American ideas. On its own, creative ideology is unable to effectively fight extreme identity politics. Humans crave lifestyle and personality. Archie draws from Francis Fukuyama’s 2018 text, Identity: The Desire for Dignity and the Politicians of Resentment, in which Fukuyama argues for the strength of regional group instead of clusters of often contradicting “narrow” names. Further, Fukuyama makes the claim that people need identity and are not only dependent on material possessions and needs. Drawing from Plato’s Republic, Fukuyama states that humans need thymos or a “positive judgment about their worth and dignity”. If they are n’t given a clear national identity, they will turn to radical identity politics.  ,  ,
Some conservative readers may disagree with what Archie says, which could lead to them having a particular issue with his entirely color-blind approach, which places too little emphasis on the rich diversity of human ethnicities and cultures. However, it is interesting to ponder what a 21st- century color- blind society would look like.  ,
The depressing notion that there is” no future” plagues much of the modern world. While those who grew up in the later 20th century have had their dreams shattered, those who grew up in the 21st century cannot imagine a future. A post- racial, post- DEI future would potentially unleash the tremendous creative power that propelled the” American Century” . ,
We might see a sea-change in American technology and industry if K-12 education focused on training, training, and preparing Americans for excellence in the workforce while supporting the best, highest-achieving students to college. Additionally, a new national identity would lessen the constant racial and political unrest that many Americans go through every day.  ,
A color-blind society may or may not be possible, but a resurrected sense of American excellence and unity is urgently needed.  ,
Jesse Russell is a book reviewer for Regnery Press and a contributor to Catholic World, European Conservative, and Front Porch Republic.