The conservative justices on the Supreme Court said on Thursday that they concur that a former president should not be held accountable for his really official acts while in office but rather for private schemes that would allow him to obtain personal gain.
Additionally, they suggested that lower courts will have to decide whether or not the former president’s event may be tried in court.
Trump was charged with conspiring to stay in business after losing the 2020 presidential election, but the high court forbade the situation from being presented to a jury after the former president claimed complete immunity for his official acts while he was in office.
Thus far, Trump’s lawyers have been winning difficulties, and it appeared they perhaps have done it again.
Previous presidents should be protected from all legal proceedings, the justices suggested that past presidents should be protected from their official duties.
” Why should n’t we send]the case ] back to the court appeals” to sort it out, said Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
If the justices adopt that strategy, it almost certainly wo n’t happen before Trump’s trial before the November election.
The three liberal justices on the court predicted that if the leader is free to exercise recognized authority with impunity, there would be grave danger. What if the “president commands the defense to hold a revolution,” questioned Justice Elena Kagan?
However, the judge’s liberals expressed concern that potential presidents might be targeted by their social rivals and might be prosecuted after they leave office.
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