On Thursday’s broadcast of” NewsNation Now” , , White House National Climate Adviser , Ali Zaidi denied that the Biden administration is attempting to shut down the coal industry or slow any industry down, and stated that the issue is” about how do we speed up to a stronger economy, a more durable economy, and one that, frankly, puts less pollution into the sky”?
Host Connell McShane asked, “]C] oal executives, for the most part, are coming out and saying this — we ca n’t meet this. The true purpose is therefore to sort of shut down our business. Is that what’s happening”?
Zaidi responded,” No, the real aim here is to prevent waste from entering the atmosphere so that we can address the climate crisis.” And we can do it while boosting our business and providing more and more Americans with low, cheap, and trustworthy energy at the same time.
McShane next asked,” It may mean a change right, in a lot of women’s employment and a lot of industries and fuel would be one of them. Is that good? Is that a reasonable way to put it, that the market will actually change over the coming times?
Zaidi responded,” We’ve been seeing a shift to cleaner energy over the past few years and this is getting faster.” Today, nearly 70 million homes value of fresh electricity is generated on our network from sources like nuclear energy, hydropower, thermal, solar, wind, batteries. And 96 % of the new energy that will be constructed this year, for 2024, not a year from now, will be completely clear. But, I think that’s where the market is now. That’s where the world market has been racing. And lastly, thanks to President Biden’s administration, we are positioned to lead in that world business”.
Later, McShane asked,” I know you guys do n’t talk about this a lot, but there’s been kind of record oil production, for example, under the Biden administration, there’s been a lot of domestic oil production. It’s no posted automatically, but it’s there. I’m just wondering if you go in this way, climate crisis, stuff like that, if it’s a gross bad for the business at a time like this”?
Zaidi answered,” No, look, I think what we’ve been focused on is putting our business on a sturdier base and moving more rapidly. We’ve seen development that is leading the pack, and more and more recently, the United States has become a magnet for personal investment in the technology of the future when compared to other nations, the seven biggest economies in the world. But, that’s our target. It’s not about slowing anything over. It’s about how do we rate up to a stronger market, a more resilient economy, and one that, honestly, puts less pollutants into the sky? We may accomplish all of those things at once.
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