Former President Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney Rudy Giuliana, and 16 other Trump supporters have been indicted in Arizona for their alleged try to reverse the 2020 election.
In addition to Meadows and Giuliana, the accusation named Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward, position Senators Jake Hoffman and Anthony Kern, Chief Operating Officer of Turning Point Action Tyler Bowyer, Nancy Cottle, James Lamon, Robert Montgomery, Samuel Moorhead, Lorraine Pellegrino, Gregory Safsten, Michael Ward, Jenna Ellis, Boris Epshteyn, Mike Roman, John Eastman, and Christina Bobb, according to the Washington Post.
Those indicted were charged with various crimes, including crime, deceptive techniques and artifices, deceptive schemes and practices, and fraud, the Daily Wire reported.
In a speech on the charges, Kris Mayes, solicitor general of Arizona, insisted the 2020 election was “free and good”.
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The defendants charged by the express grand jury reportedly conspired to stop the president from being elected as president without willing to accept this fact, according to Mayes. The plaintiffs and another unindicted co-conspirators made false allegations of widespread voting fraud in Arizona after the general election on November 3, 2020 to force elected officials to change the outcome of a open, free and fair democratic vote. Those efforts ultimately failed when officials stood firm, followed their statutory duties, and officially certified Arizona’s election on November 30, 2020″.
She continued,” The defendant Republican presidential electors allegedly plotted with additional defendants, then voted for Mr. Trump and Vice President Pence falsely claiming to be the Arizona state’s elected and qualified electors for President and Vice President of the United States,” These defendants deceived Arizona’s citizens by falsely claiming that those votes were contingent only on a legal challenge that would affect the election’s outcome. In reality, the defendants intended for the false votes for Trump and Pence to compel Vice President Pence to reject the votes cast by certified Biden- Harris regardless of the outcome of any legal challenge.