A searing satirical film that vividly depicts Hunter Biden’s numerous alleged crises as well as his magical ability to escape the political infernos fairly unscathed, along with the new single” Hunter Got High,” featuring Grammy-nominated singer Afroman, debuted this year.
Shot through with burning punchlines and withering humour, the music offers a summary of , President Joe Biden’s father’s greatest hits — from his affection for hookers and drugs, the laptop fiasco, his dark deal- making in Ukraine and China, and his tax evasion indictment. Yet Hunter’s career as a great arts artists gets roasted.
The zingers come fast and furious. ” He shoulda allow Hillary chlorine the entire hard drive”, one column goes. Another poetry takes aim at his artwork:” He never was color for a heck … Then he gets, a quarter a mill and up”. And perhaps the most violent lose:” He got more LLC’s than John Gotti’s fiance- family”.
Those one- containers are the founder of multi- silver country music singer Chris Wallin, who has penned hit songs for some of , Nashville’s biggest stars, including Tony Keith, Trace Adkins, Montgomery Gentry, and Kenny Chesney. Wallin is the head of A&, R for Baste Records, the label that is the author of” Hunter Got High” and who describes itself as a “music label devoted to creating a” counterculture against cancel culture.”
Wallin and Breitbart News spoke to each other about the origins of” Hunter Got High,” as well as his opinion of the problem of the Biden family.
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When we first connected with Afroman, Wallin recalled that he was enthralled but trying to figure out how to combine what he is renowned for with our beliefs on the label [Baste Records]
” I left the meeting earlier and started working on the melody when the plan for it came up during a conference.” When I shared it with the staff and Afroman’s group, all lit up” , , Wallin said. We began brainstorming options for how to approach it and came up with a clever concept that shows how anyone like Hunter is treated in comparison to the rest of the world. Spotlighting dishonesty, while making people laugh.”
The brand recorded the music and picture the music videos in , Winchester, Ohio, with players playing Hunter and Joe Biden.
Given the country music industry’s growing political polarization, Wallin is n’t overly concerned with potential political repercussions from the individual.
He told Breitbart News,” I think a lot of people out there are like me and feel like being silent is not the way to move this country forth any longer.” I have been creating, producing and performing music for 30 years, and if that’s the method I have to start individuals eye therefore, so be it.”
Close observers of” Hunter Got High” will notice an oblique comparison to the bag of cocaine that was discovered in the White House last year. After failing to find a suspect, the Secret Service closed its investigation.
Wallin claimed to not know if Hunter was responsible for the bag of cocaine.
But” they would absolutely be talking to the only person in the house who was known to be a chef” if the police discovered an illegal bag of, let’s say, cooking flour in a cupboard in a random ranch house in middle America.
” Hunter Got High,” of course, is a remix of sorts of Afroman’s mega- hit single” Because I Got High.”
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