In a fresh federal CNN surveys, wash away internet advertising that the polls were turning in Joe Biden’s favour.
The recently released CNN/SRS S ballot, which shows former president Donald J. Trump with a comfortable lead over his elderly player, is simply unreliable because the system is Biden’s major media supporter, making the numbers even worse.
( Video: CNN)
In a head-to-head game, the tenacious Trump is holding a 49-43 percentage lead over the deeply unhappy Democrat, a little drop for Biden from the 43 percent in the network’s past national poll from January.
Worse information for Biden is that 55 % of people believe Trump to be a powerful president, while 44 percent believe it to be a failure, which is a headache for Democrats given years of constant fake news and misinformation and numerous law-related political trials that have been brought against the presumed GOP nomination.
The fact that 61 percent of Americans believe his presidency has been a failure, which is more disturbing for the incumbent’s chances of winning reelection. Only 39 percent of Americans believe Biden’s tragic tenure has been successful.
Trump’s result is the highest in the background of the CNN poll.
Trump 49 % ( + 6 )
Biden 43 %Trump’s guide is largest in CNN study’s past
Trump 42 % ( + 9 )
Trump 33 %
RFK Jr 16 %
West 4 %
Stein 3 %
SSRS: #78 ( | RVs | 4/18- 23 https :// photograph.— InteractivePolls ( @IAPolls2022 ) April 28, 2024
In a contest between Trump and Biden with the three separate individuals – RFK Jr., Cornel West and Jill Stein– the original government’s direct swells to 9 points, besting Biden 42- 33.
Only 44 percent of voters approve of Biden’s signature policy, which provides relief from student loan debt.
His support for the conflict between Israel and Hamas is horrific, with a whopping 71 % disapproving of his handling of it. This is probably more a result of the Democrats ‘ deep anti-Semitism than anything else.
There are still enough people who accept the falsehood that Biden is a proponent of “democracy,” with 58 percent of them saying the phony issue is important to them.
Trump freely praised the findings in a Truth Social post.
— Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social (@TrumpDaily Posts ) April 28, 2024
Following a Gallup survey, Biden received the lowest approval rating of all presidents in modern history at the same time.
BREAKING:” President Joe Biden averaged 38.7 % job approval during his recently completed 13th quarter in office, which began on Jan. 20 and ended April 19. The 13th-quarter average of all the other nine presidents elected in their first term compared to… pic.
— Steve Guest ( @SteveGuest ) April 26, 2024
” The CNN poll was conducted by SSRS from April 18- 23 among a random national sample of 1, 212 adults drawn from a probability- based panel, including 967 registered voters. According to CNN, interviews were either conducted online or over the phone with a live interviewer.
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